4 Zodiacs Who Need To Let Go Of The Old To Welcome The New
The thing about the ‘old’, Gemini, is that sometimes it’s all we’ve ever known, and even if it’s not perfect or deeply flawed, it is something we can see and touch and remember and draw a box around. It’s predictable enough to fit into our calendars and pay our bills with, but the price it comes at can sometimes be loneliness or anger or regret. Sometimes we make the mistake of conflating what we can expect with what we can control, because letting go of the familiar feels like letting go of the steering wheel. Like we’re just flying down a highway with no GPS, no map, and no signs to tell us where we’re going. But sometimes where we’re afraid to get lost is exactly where we find ourselves, is the place we actually feel we’re home.
Your obsession with ‘vintage’ sometimes borders on hoarding, Taurus. You are so afraid to let go of your material possessions because it would mean parting with everything they represent. An outfit from when you were younger you’ve promised yourself you’ll fit into again. A gift from a family member you’ve never used, but feel too guilty to donate. A purchase you made that you don’t even enjoy, but feel the need to hold onto because of how much it cost. Making space in the closet, the cupboard, the bookshelf, or wherever life has gotten too cluttered means making space to think. To hear yourself, to know yourself, to allow room for possibility. It’s okay to decide something no longer serves you and let it go. It creates room for what you need.
You are so committed to your convictions, Aquarius, you fail to see when they need a little updating. Even the most passionate, dedicated fighters for social change have found themselves in a moment where they need to catch up. Where they need to adapt their language and their worldviews to describe or understand something that wasn’t there before, or went unrecognized for years. Unclenching that grip allows for critical thinking, for information to flow freely, for you to absorb new ideas and ways of seeing the world. It’s okay to be a work in progress. It’s okay to not have everything figured out. The world moves too quickly to be an expert on everything. Buy a new notebook, and start taking notes. You will always learn something new when you start from scratch.
What’s old, Pisces, is what came first, but that doesn’t necessarily make it the best. Imagine a world where every car was like the first car, every movie like the first silent picture, every human like the first neanderthal. Precedent is valuable, it is historic, and can be studied and learned from, but not every precedent is worth living on in perpetuity. Your first job doesn’t need to be your last. Your first relationship isn’t destined to be your one and only. We can become new versions of ourselves, no matter how many times we’ve done it. No matter how old we get or how much we’ve learned. Clean out the junk drawer, again and again, as many times as it takes to keep moving towards the best way of living.