4 Zodiacs Who Need To Advocate For Their Own Success
Gemini needs to speak up. Needs to ask for the recognition they’re due and the respect their seniority deserves. They can trend toward deference even when they are the most qualified person in the room, which leaves them being taken advantage of time and time again. They are the ones with the good ideas, the ones spending late nights making progress on projects, so when the compensation and accolades are due, they need to stand up and take credit for their work. Everyone has relied on them for far too long as a meal ticket toward their own goals, but it’s time for Gemini to eat. Time for them to get their bag, their promotion, their fame for all the value they bring to the table.
Cancer needs to raise their hand and express their interest. They are so worried about being too loud and too demanding, about how many other people in the room are waiting their turn, about not looking like the ‘pick me’ person, that they bottle up all of their ideas and desires to make room for everyone else. The kind of opportunities they long for aren’t just going to come knocking on their door. They are going to have to take risks and learn to believe that they deserve a chance to try. Their hat deserves to be thrown in the ring just like anyone else’s. It doesn’t make them pushy or overbearing, it makes them a dreamer, a contender, an aspirant, and there is no shame in that.
Capricorn needs to learn to sell themselves. To summarize and distill their experience and success into resumés and self-reflections, social media accounts and portfolios. They need to get over their fear of bragging and develop an elevator pitch for their skills and services. They can provide value to others, so there’s no need to be shy about it. Let people know what you have to offer so they can take advantage of it. Can you imagine a world where stores hid their best products away in the back and never advertised them? How would anyone know where to look? Capricorn needs to apply the same lens to themselves. They can’t do a great job if no one knows they’re willing and able to do it.
Sagittarius needs to stop dreaming about things and actually give them a try. They sell themselves short or get overwhelmed by the time and effort things take and quit before they’ve even started. They need to set achievable goals for themselves, breaking large ones into identifiable and doable tasks they can tackle each day. If Sagittarius knew their wildest dreams were simply a manner of small chores and projects within their reach, they would have gotten started on them ages ago. They just need to get past that initial hump and learn to ditch their fear of asking for help. Their wide network is more than happy to help them along the way and share their knowledge with them. With so much support it becomes ridiculous not to try.