4 Zodiacs Who Need Distance To Heal From Heartbreak
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4 Zodiacs Who Need Distance To Heal From Heartbreak

Some zodiacs will want to remain friends with you, even once you end the relationship. They won’t want to say goodbye since you hold a special place in their heart. But other signs won’t benefit from keeping you too close. It will only prolong their pain and prevent their healing. Here are some zodiacs who need distance in order to heal from heartbreak:


Cancers are overthinkers, especially when it comes to romantic relationship. Even though they’re going to want to keep in touch with you after a breakup, it’s never a good idea. Communicating with their ex is going to confuse them. It’s going to give them false hope that the relationship can be rebuilt. They need a clean break from their exes in order to feel like the relationship is really over, in order to push them to move on and forget about the past. Cancers will cling to people who are familiar, even when they’re getting hurt by them, which is why they need distance in order to heal from heartbreak. They need to separate themselves physically in order to start separating themselves emotionally.


Scorpios hold grudges. If they still see their ex every single day, then their anger and hurt is going to fester. They won’t be able to stop thinking about their ex, even though it will probably be in a negative way. But that type of obsession isn’t going to be productive for their healing. This sign needs to get as much distance as possible from their ex so they can stop harboring so much resentment toward them. The only way they’re going to really move on from what happened is if they stop communicating with their ex, stop following their ex on social media, stop texting their ex when they’re drunk and reckless.  


Geminis can be fickle with their heart. If they spend too much time with their ex, then the lines might blur. They might forget why they separated in the first place and decide to give it another go. But this is only going to end in disaster if neither of them has changed. It’s only going to create an unhealthy cycle that will be hard to break away from. This sign needs distance from their ex because they might cave and end up confessing their feelings for this person all over again if they’re not careful. The distance will give them clarity. It will remind them that they are perfectly fine living without this person and that they broke up for a good reason.


Leos are one of the most nostalgic signs in the zodiac. They love to look back on their memories with rose-colored glasses, so if their ex is around, they’re probably going to daydream bout what it would be like to get back together. They’ll probably remember all of the good times while forgetting the bad. And since this sign loves attention, they will have a hard time resisting an ex that says and does all the right things. Even though Leos are highly independent, having an ex around can cloud their judgement. They’re much better off when there’s some distance between them, some real boundaries.