4 Zodiacs Who Have The Hardest Time Healing From Betrayal
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4 Zodiacs Who Have The Hardest Time Healing From Betrayal

Some zodiacs are able to move on from the past quite quickly. They don’t let yesterday impact tomorrow because they are only looking toward the future. However, other signs hold lifelong grudges. They have trouble bouncing back from the hard times they experience, especially when it comes to romantic relationships. Here are the zodiacs who have the hardest time healing from betrayal:


You have trouble healing from betrayal because you are a pessimist at heart. When someone hurts you, you feel like you should have seen it coming. You feel like you never should have trusted them in the first place. And for a while after, you stop trusting everyone else around you too. You feel like getting too close to others would be a mistake because it would only give them the opportunity to hurt you too. Although one person betraying you doesn’t mean more will follow suit, it’s hard for you to put the past in the past. You want to learn from it, grow from it. But you can be cautious with your heart without closing it off completely. You don’t have to let one bad experience sour you on love overall.


You are way too hard on yourself. Whenever something goes wrong in a relationship, you assume you were the one to blame. You take betrayals personally because you worry there was something you could have done to stop the other person from hurting you so badly. You feel like, if you would have done more for them, maybe they wouldn’t have done what they have done. However, you can’t control their actions. They are to blame for the way they have treated you. It’s not your fault. You didn’t bring this on yourself. You didn’t deserve to experience this betrayal, and although it might take you a while for you to fully believe that, it is the truth.


You have a hard time healing from betrayal because you have a hard time trusting others in general. When someone hurts you, you feel like it’s proof that you were right to be so suspicious in the first place. It only reinforces your thoughts that no one can really be trusted, that you shouldn’t let anyone in at all. However, one bad relationship doesn’t mean that every relationship will end this way. You can’t allow one person to convince you to swear off of love completely. Don’t give them that much power over you. You deserve love, and you will find it – with someone new.  


It takes you a long time to heal from betrayal because you love with your whole heart. You don’t do anything halfway. When you’re committed to someone, you are borderline obsessed with them. They mean everything to you, and you would do anything for them. When you realize that love and respect wasn’t returned, it’s hard to stomach. You can’t believe you cared more than they cared. However, you can’t let them change who you are as a person. You can’t let them harden your heart. You should be proud of how open and trusting you are. The right person will never use these qualities against you.