4 Zodiacs Who Attract Needy Partners
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4 Zodiacs Who Attract Needy Partners

You need to be careful with who you decide to date. You don’t want to end up in a relationship where you’re stuck doing all the work β€” but this ends up happening to certain zodiac signs time and time again. Here are the zodiacs who attract needy partners and always seem to find themselves in relationships where they are doing way more of the work:


Cancer, you are always willing and eager to help others out when they need you. You are a giver. You show your love by performing random acts of kindness and acts of service. Unfortunately, since you’re so generous with your time, you commonly end up with partners who need you to do every little thing for them, partners who take advantage of your soft heart and expect you to bend over backwards for them. Although you don’t mind being so helpful at first, this will eventually drain you. It will make the relationship feel one-sided, which isn’t fair to you. You deserve a partner who is willing to do as much for you as you are always doing for them.


Libra, you are one of the most generous, open-minded, forgiving signs in the zodiac. Although this is what makes you such a wonderful person to spend time alongside, it also means that others might try to take advantage of you. They might try to get more out of you than they are willing to give you in return. You attract needy partners because you are always willing to give the benefit of the doubt and see things from their point of view. You give others way more grace than they actually deserve, so it can take a while for you to realize that you aren’t actually in an equal, fair relationship. But when that realization hits, don’t stick around. Demand more. Or walk away and find someone who will treat you right from the start.


Capricorn, you are one of the most mature, responsible signs in the zodiac. Since you have such a good head on your shoulders, other people will look to you for guidance. While this is completely fine, and might even be a point of pride for you, you need to be careful not to end up in a lopsided relationship. After all, since you’re so willing to take charge, you could end up with a partner who is happy to have you handle every little piece of the relationship. A partner who leaves every single decision up to you, and puts all the pressure on you. Although you can handle that much responsibility, it doesn’t mean you should. In a healthy relationship, you should both have a say. You should both be playing a part.


Pisces, you have such a kind, generous heart. You are always willing to help your favorite people, even before they ask you, which is why you commonly end up with needy partners. Partners who ask you to do them a million little favors β€” and you usually accept. You don’t want to disappoint them. You don’t want to leave them high and dry. You want to help in whatever way you can. But you need to remember, it’s not your responsibility to fix all their problems. They are their own person, not an extension of you. They should be able to handle themselves. They should have at least some independence.