Jacob Von Bank

4 Zodiacs Who Are Turning A New Leaf This October


You’re about to wipe your calendar clean, Gemini, and start from scratch. You’ve overcommitted to others and under performed on your own self-care for too long. You need at least two full weeks without any plans to detox and reset. The most you can schedule ahead of time is a massage or a facial. Then, when you have the clarity of a regular sleep schedule and some cortisol regulation, you can start to think about what you’re ready to get rid of, and what you want to keep as part of your routine. It’s all about finding that balance between pleasure and utility. Sure, maybe sometimes pilates kicks your ass, but do you enjoy pushing through to the end of that final plank? And if that weeknight gelato serves no other purpose than putting a smile on your face, that’s reason enough.


You are going to let go of a grudge, Sagittarius, which may seem impossible, but the depths of your heart are greater than the length of your irritation. You have the forgiveness necessary to put the past behind you, and give someone the chance to start fresh with you too. People have the capacity to change, and if you start with a benevolent attitude, you just might be surprised at the gratitude you receive in return. We’ve all been annoyed and annoying, have all had bad days and not been ourselves. You never know what prompted an unpleasant experience with someone else, what made them be short or curt, what else they had on their mind that made them appear standoffish. You’ll have your Pride and Prejudice moment with this person, and realize just how much they have to offer.


You are going to give yourself permission to surprise others, Leo. You’re such a creature of routine and habit, someone people look to for inspiration, and while that has brought you a lot of satisfaction, it’s also limited you in a way. You feel you have a reputation to live up to, and people you can’t let down, and it’s caused you to stifle some of your inner voice. The part of you that wants to skip happy hour to stay in and watch a foreign film. The part of you that wants to switch things up and ditch the cocktail dress for a printed pant suit at the next wedding you attend. The part that wants to bail on Thanksgiving to book a solo trip to Sweden. There’s more to you than the part everyone sees, the part that pleases people. Embrace it.


You turn a new leaf, Aries, by choosing not to let an unfortunate event define you. A breakup, a layoff, a disappointment, a loss. You can embrace the emotion that comes along with it, but you make the choice to acknowledge that this one experience is not the sum of your experience. You can be sad and still laugh at jokes, angry and still love the people who are close to you. You can be and do and react to several things at the same time. Finding little reasons to be happy doesn’t take away from any grief or pain you may be feeling, doesn’t mean you’re suffering any less, but not enjoying those moments doesn’t make you suffer any more either. Remember you don’t owe anyone any explanation, and don’t have to prove anything to anyone either.