Dmitriy Zub

4 Zodiacs Who Are Tired Of Being Pushed Around (And Are Ready To Do Something About It)


No one thinks Pisces will push back, and so no one worries about what they say in their presence. They get criticized and condemned, poked and prodded, teased and harassed because no one expects them to do anything but stay quiet or go off and cry in the corner. But Pisces has a lot to say, and when pushed to their limits, you’d better watch out. Because a Pisces is smart — they have logic and science and facts on their side. Immature grudges will crumble under their oratory prowess. They will absolutely destroy your flimsy arguments and critiques, and read you harder than one of RuPaul’s drag queens. You will instantly regret ever daring to mess with this sign of the zodiac and swallow your words.


Capricorn is tired of being taken advantage of. Everyone knows they are the most flexible and hard working, the one who will pick up someone’s shift, or switch vacation schedules with them for the good of the company. They will stay late, lend a hand, and take over work they were never responsible for in the first place. But instead of being adequately rewarded, they get penned in, and Capricorn has had enough. They’re not going to bend over backwards for everyone if there is no compensation or recognition at the end of the day. And they won’t just quietly quit, they will make it quite clear you’ve burnt out the person you rely on most, and you will instantly regret it.


Gemini is tired of being told where to be and when and for how long. They are constantly running here and there, on very little sleep, and always under a time crunch. Everyone just piles on more and more work, more favors, more errands onto their already packed schedule, and eventually, something’s gotta give. Gemini is going to put their foot down, turn off all of their electronic devices, and spend a month on the beach while everything else goes up in flames, just to prove a point to everyone. If they are so essential to keeping things running, people need to show more respect and consideration to their valuable time. And there’s nothing that shows people how necessary you are like disappearing into thin air.  


Libra is so tired of everyone assuming they will take their side in an argument. They find themselves asked to validate and justify everyone’s gripes and grievances, but at the end of the day, they want absolutely nothing to do with these conflicts they’re not directly involved in. They don’t want to be pushed and pulled between family members and friends who can’t get along. They don’t want to be forced to choose and threatened with being cut off if they don’t. They are tired of having to suffer the consequences of other people’s poor coping skills. Libra is not NATO or the UN or Sweden. They are a person who just wants to be left alone and unburdened. They have enough to deal with of their own.