4 Zodiacs Who Are Surprisingly Gentle In Relationships
Sophia Sinclair

4 Zodiacs Who Are Surprisingly Gentle In Relationships

Some zodiacs come across as cold and hard when you first meet them, even though they are secretly soft and sweet around their favorite people. What you see is not exactly what you get from these signs because their attitude will shift as they get to know you better. Here are some zodiacs who are surprisingly gentle in relationships:


Capricorns are cynics. They assume everyone is out for themselves and they won’t trust you as far as they can throw you – at least, not until they get to know the real you. Once a Capricorn realizes that you’re unlike the rest, and that you can really be trusted, they are going to change their tune completely. Their harsh edges are going to disappear and they are going to be the sweetest person you’ve ever met. After all, a Capricorn would do anything for their loved ones. They are loyal, dedicated, and committed. Once they’re on your side, you have a friend for life.


Scorpios take a long time to let their guard down. They’ve been hurt before and they want to save themselves the trouble of going through that pain again, so they distance themselves. They are careful about how much they let others into their world. But once they realize that you’re actually a good person and that they can trust you not to screw them over, they are going to drop their guard. They are going to be silly and fun, open and honest. They aren’t going to keep any secrets from you once you develop a strong connection. They are going to be much kinder and gentler than you could have ever imagined when you first met and they barely spoke.


Aquarius can come across as detached because they aren’t as in touch with their emotions as some other signs. However, this sign is loyal to a fault. They are super sentimental and grow deeply attached to the people that mean the most to them. Although them might seem a little standoffish when you first meet them, they are going to grow sweeter and sweeter as you get to know each other. This sign is the type to remember every little thing about you, to surprise you with presents, and to make you feel like the most important person in every room. It just takes a little time until they’ll get to a place where they can say you’re worth all that trouble.


Aries might seem like they’re only out to have a good time, or like they only care about themselves, when you first meet them. However, they are one of the most loyal signs once you get to know them. If they consider you important, they will always go to bat for you. They will do anything within their power to protect you. An Aries might come across as intimidating at first, but they are soft deep down. They are sweeter than you realize – and more insecure than you realize. Their big talk is all an act. They are secretly a gentle sign with big feelings.