Mikhail Nilov

4 Zodiacs Who Are Overwhelmed By Their Own Feelings But Will Make A Breakthrough In January


You can’t describe any of your feelings as light and airy, Pisces. Joy leaves your entire body buzzing, sadness rocks you to your core. Anxiety wracks your brain, and anger literally burns inside you. God forbid any of these choose to overlap, as feelings tend to do, and your entire emotional hardwiring goes completely haywire. Sometimes you struggle to come up for air, but you will find your way through the confusion. A helping hand will extend at the moment in which you truly need it — don’t be afraid to grab on. A little reinforcement, providing much needed stability, is enough to lessen the pressure you’ve been dealing with alone. You’re used to keeping your inner world to yourself, but maybe it’s time to let someone else in.


Burn out is a very real thing, Capricorn, whether you believe it or not. Everyone has a max. Everyone runs out of time and energy, or both, and there is no bank you can go and take out a loan from. So take a good, hard look at everything on your plate right now, and recognize what is causing it to overflow. It may take you time, or professional help, to learn to recognize what isn’t absolutely crucial, what you can push back on or cancel, but once you do, you will be free to lighten your own load. You don’t have to apologize or make excuses, you simply get to take the reins of your own life and guide it in the direction of your choosing.


At your core, you are always seeking out positivity, Leo, which makes it hard for you to process heavier emotions. You want to get past the breakup and the grieving that comes with it and move straight on into the joy of singledom. Of nights out meeting new people or surrounding yourself with friends instead of staying holed up with a partner. But you can’t shove your sadness in a box, like it’s a summer wardrobe put into storage for the winter. You are going to have to sit with it, get to know it inside and out. Wear it like a sweater until it’s so broken in and beat up you can’t wear it to job interview. The steps are there for a reason. You can’t move on until you’ve actually moved on. 


If you can’t explain your feelings to someone else, Scorpio, it means you haven’t reflected enough on them to understand them yourself. We all know you have the vocabulary, so it’s simply a question of spending enough time being present in your own mind and body to describe what is actually going on. Don’t push what’s uncomfortable aside. Don’t shy away from the tough questions. Get your hands dirty. Your emotions are a garden that needs to be regularly tended. See what’s sprouting, what’s growing, and don’t be afraid to nurture it all. The only things that need to be weeded out are the thoughts that aren’t serving you. Self-doubt. Self-criticism. Your anger is perfectly natural, and so is your sadness. Leave what’s organic to their own processes.