4 Zodiacs Who Are Growing Through The Pain
Virgo has thick skin. Thicker than most. So when they encounter a particularly challenging chapter of their life journey, they don’t despair. While they don’t assume it’s all for the best and everything will work out in the end, the make a conscious decision to take something away from the experience. Maybe it’s grit, maybe it’s character, maybe it’s the ability to identify the things and people who aren’t serving them, but whatever it is, it’s theirs to keep. They know that life comes with loss, that the things they love can be taken away from them at a moments notice. So Virgo decides to take back, as if life was a buffet they’ve already paid for. They’re not shy to get up to get seconds or thirds
Sagittarius treats life like a story. They know that there will always be highs and lows, and that the pain they may feel in any given moment may lead to some very different emotion. So they sit with it, and allow those feelings to move through them. They remember all of the other times they have felt sadness or frustration or grief, and how quickly life seemed to change. They changed, the people around them changed, and ultimately the situation itself changed. The best we can do is hold on tight for the ride and try to catch a glimpse of the views as we go. Some may be more exciting and enjoyable than others, but they all have their part in the story of the journey.
Leo is letting their pain inform them. Letting it teach them lessons about how to treat others, and who is with them in the thick of it. Lessons about what’s important and what they care about. Lessons about who and where they want to be. They have an amazing support system to get them through these times, but the experience serves to show them just how much they are equipped to handle alone. Leo can stand on their own two feet, can make their own decisions, can guide themselves on their own path forward. Whatever fears they’ve been unable to face are actually obstacles they can easily overcome, they just needed the right scenario to prove themselves wrong. We all have something to learn about ourselves.
Aries is learning they can more room for everything. For more friendships, for more emotions, for more challenges, for more tears. Just when they feel like they’ve reached their limit, they stretch, they grow, they expand. They can contain it all, that messy cocktail of life’s overlapping emotions and memories and hopes and dreams, and they can change. There is room for Aries to grow and evolve, they’re not bound to the version of themselves the world saw yesterday. They can get better, smarter, kinder, wiser, all at once. They can multitask and still give everything the time and energy it deserves. The pain is there to show them the effort is paying off. Like a sore bicep after a day in the gym.