4 Zodiacs Who Are Going Crazy With Envy
Scorpio wants the one person they can’t have. A person so loyal, so transparent, so honest, Scorpio feels dirty trying any of the usual methods to tempt them away from their current relationship. Something about this feels different. Feels like Scorpio could spend their whole life waiting and wishing for this ‘home’ to ‘wreck’ itself without them lifting a finger, just for the chance to see if they could win this heart the honorable way. Normally, they believe all is fair in love and war, but some people make us want to raise our standards, make us want to believe that we can be enough on our own without any tricks or games to earn someone’s love and affection. With all of these lofty ambitions, it still drives them wild to know someone else has what they want.
Virgo’s skin is literally crawling over the attention their rival is getting from the person they admire most. It’s making them question everything they know and believe about the world, because how else would their mentor not see all of the blatantly obvious flaws in this person and their work, and instead choose to praise them publicly? Virgo has given blood, sweat, and tears for a chance to be worthy of notice, for a chance to mingle in this group, and it just kills them to know their nemesis is rising to the top. All they want is a pat on the back, for this person to know their name, and they feel completely overshadowed by someone who should have never been considered competition in the first place.
Taurus just wants to be the favorite. The best friend, the bridesmaid or best man. The favorite child, the teacher’s pet, the employee or customer of the month. But they feel like in every aspect of their life, they come in second, third, fourth or beyond. Always trailing behind. Always easy to miss or overlook or not even remember. They long so badly to have one place where they stand out. Where they are valued. Where they matter. And they can’t help but notice how everyone else seems to already have this niche, this spotlight, this pedestal on which they are selected to stand. It feels like everyone else has this participation trophy of sorts except Taurus, and they definitely feel jaded as a result.
Aries is afraid of losing someone who means the world to them. Someone who is making new friends, pursuing new interests, and ultimately developing this rich life that Aries doesn’t form a part of. Aries doesn’t get the inside jokes, doesn’t know the rest of the crew, and is so worried that this person will drift so far into this new life, that they completely move on from the one they had with Aries. It’s a kind of protective envy that doesn’t want anything to change for fear that everything will at once, and the harder they try to hold everything together, the more it seems to slip through their fingers. They feel like they can’t keep up or compete with everything that is moving in on their turf.