4 Zodiacs Who Are Always The Responsible One In Relationships
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4 Zodiacs Who Are Always The Responsible One In Relationships

Being the responsible one isn’t always easy. Some people might like taking the lead, while others feel like it’s a burden. Either way, no one deserves to be the only one doing the work in the relationship. No one deserves to feel like they are shouldering way more weight than their partner. Here are the zodiacs who are always the responsible one in relationships:


You are always the responsible one in the relationship, and it is extremely exhausting. You wish you could be β€˜the fun one’ every once in a while, but it’s impossible because the moment you forget to do something, it doesn’t get done. Your partners never pick up your slack, but you are constantly picking up theirs, and it is tiring. It feels like the work is never-ending for you, and relationships shouldn’t feel this stressful. You shouldn’t feel like you’re being forced to take care of everything on your own. Your partner should be putting in work too. They shouldn’t be letting everything fall on you.


You are one of the most reliable, responsible signs in the zodiac. You are the person that everyone turns to in emergencies. You are the person everyone runs to when they need advice or help solving a problem. You are always the responsible one in the relationship, and honestly, you don’t mind it. You are perfectly happy taking charge of situations. You like being in control. You like playing the role of the leader. You like knowing that others are relying on you. Although there are moments when your stress levels get dangerously high and you wish your partner would take on more responsibility, you’re usually happy to be there for them. You’re usually proud to say you’re the responsible one in the relationship.


You’re usually the responsible one in the relationship, but it always gets on your nerves. You don’t want to feel like you’re babying your partner. You don’t want to boss them around and nag them to do the basics. You want a partner who is going to take initiative and get chores done on their own. You want a partner who takes responsibility for themselves, who doesn’t need you to remind them of what they should be doing every five seconds. You want someone as mature and dependable as you are – but that has been hard to find.


You are always the mature, responsible one in relationships – and you are growing sick and tired of it. You want to be in an equal partnership where your person is doing their fair share of the work. You don’t want to feel like it’s your job to handle everything that is thrown at you, plus everything thrown at your partner. You didn’t sign up to be their babysitter. They’re supposed to be your teammate. They’re supposed to be exerting as much effort as you are. Although you don’t mind taking the lead every once in a while, you aren’t okay with a partner who expects you to do it all. It’s not going to happen. That’s not fair to you and you aren’t going to stand for it.