4 Zodiacs Who Always Win Their Breakups
Breaking up really isn’t a contest you can win, but these four zodiac signs never got the memo. They win by moving on quickly, by always being the one to break hearts, by not having any remorse for the things they’ve done to hurt you. If you’re dating any of these signs, be warned that if and when you break up, it’s going to be brutal.
While an Aries is incredibly passionate when they’re in the midst of a relationship, their short attention spans contribute to them moving on fast after a breakup. Even if they’re the one getting dumped, they’ve legitimately forgotten about their ex only a week after the breakup. They win the breakups because they show just how little heartbreak affects them. They’re off hanging out with friends or meeting new people while the person who dumped them is still reeling from the whiplash that comes with the end of a long relationship.
If a Gemini is breaking up with you, they’re winning the breakup because of how quickly and easily they’ll drop you. Everything seemed good, but suddenly they’re telling you that they don’t love you anymore or that they’ve found someone else. Even worse is a Gemini who’s just been dumped. If you were hoping for an amicable breakup, you should’ve never dated a Gemini. They’ll turn on you so quickly, showing exactly why they’re called “two-faced.” Either way, you’re going to be the one feeling like shit in the end, not the Gemini.
Sagittariuses move on so quickly from a breakup, you’ll wonder where the heck they’ve gone. Whether they’re the one breaking up with you or you’re doing the dirty work, they’ll be soothing the wounds so they can move on and move forward–and they’ll likely do it by getting out of town. They’re the ones to lick their wounds while on a girls’ trip or have a weekend with their drinking buddies to help forget. They win the breakup because they moved on quickly–and healthily–when you really would have hoped that they were a little more torn up about it.
If you had a problem with how little your Aquarius communicated during your relationship, especially when it came to sharing feelings, you’re going to be even more disappointed after the breakup. Regardless of whatever’s going on in their heads (which is a toss-up between caring and not caring), they’ll seem like they couldn’t care less about the relationship ending. If you’re going through a breakup with an Aquarius, be prepared for it to be infuriating for you and seemingly fine for them.