4 Zodiacs Urgently Seeking Purpose In New Places
Cancer has been feeling lost. Like they are experiencing something different from everyone around them. Their friends don’t get it, and neither does their family. Work isn’t providing the level of satisfaction or fulfillment they expected it would, and they wouldn’t describe themselves as very ‘spiritual’ either. Cancer will find the meaning they’re searching for in writing. Articles, books, poems, and essays penned by complete strangers. And somehow, through time and space, they will put into words they very thoughts and feelings Cancer hasn’t been able to work through on their own. In reading, Cancer will remember just how much of the human experience is shared, even if it isn’t with the people we see on a daily basis. It will give them the courage to seek out the places they belong.
Capricorn is forced to pivot when something they had believed to be a given in their life plan doesn’t pan out. Maybe that was getting married by twenty-five, or having kids by thirty. Maybe it was making a certain salary right out of college, or saving a certain amount within their first few years of working. Whatever the goal, missing that arbitrary deadline has left them asking, “what now?”, has challenged them to rewrite a future they believed was a final draft. But it’s in these moments, where Capricorn dares to imagine something completely new, where they discover joys they had never considered. Investing themselves deeper in their romantic relationship. Reengaging their brain with French lessons. Overcoming fears by swimming in the ocean. Sometimes meaning is just about letting the world surprise us day after day.
Pisces doesn’t know what they’re looking for, but they know it can’t be found where they are, or where they come from. They want someone to show them the way, to tell them about the lifestyle they are choosing, from their own personal experience. Maybe it’s choosing not to have kids, or to start a business. Traveling the world, or learning how to garden. Pisces feels like a weirdo surrounded by people who are doing the completely opposite of what they are endeavoring to achieve, and they just want that fairy godmother or personal guru to reassure them that they are perfectly normal for wanting the things they want. Pisces wants to know someone has been to the oasis before they go trekking through the desert to find it.
Gemini is looking for meaning in friendship. In a sounding board of people off of which they can bounce their most negative emotions and private feelings. For people who will consistently lift them up when they’re feeling down. For people who share their same struggles and values and ethics. For people who make if very clear that all are welcome and expected to be nothing more than themselves. Gemini has had this at times in their life, but friends move and grow and change, and social circles evolve. They are working to piece together a group of disparate friends and acquaintances into a real community. It will take time, but with enough effort and faith, they will have created something that all involved will depend upon and thrive within.