4 Zodiacs Entering A New Era This Sagittarius Season (+ Advice From A Tarot Reader)
There’s a lot going on astrologically as we head towards winter, but there are four zodiac signs in particular that will be entering a new era this Sagittarius season – Virgo, Aries, Aquarius, and Capricorn. These changes will be seismically large, so our tarot reader has assembled a reading to help you navigate it.
The three cards in the tarot reading represent:
The Old You (The influences and aspects of who you are, things you are moving away from)
The New You (The influences and aspects of who you will become in your New Phase, things you are moving toward).
Advice for Transformation (Advice on how to make the changes necessary)
The Old You
The Devil
You have not been hearing your higher self – perhaps you have lost touch and need to reconnect, or maybe you’ve been more intentional in ignoring those messages. Part of it may be due to the fact you’ve been a bit indulgent while you’ve worked to heal some deep wounds. Now you realize that, it’s time to refocus and regroup so that you can ultimately re-align with your higher purpose.
The New You
Ten of Cups
This new phase has a lot of potential for prosperity, security, and emotional stability – exactly what you’ve been seeking. Embrace the chance to be engaged in the lives of those around you. Spend time creating harmonious relationships with those that mean the most to you. This can lead to you feeling the contentment and sense of belonging you’ve long been seeking.
Advice for Transformation
Six of Wands
You’ve recently accomplished a lot, Virgo, but there’s something off about how that was received among your friends, family, or colleagues. The people that you thought would be in your corner are not, and it’s hard to work through that. Don’t get too hung up on how others react to you. Celebrate your wins, even if it’s just with yourself – you are worthy of praise.
The Old You
Queen of Wands
You have been passionately driving yourself towards your goal and ultimate success. This drive has a tendency to feel overbearing and selfish to others who haven’t been on the journey with you since the start, and ultimately that leads to a lot of relationship instability. Without that stability and support you felt unable to be as productive and creative as possible.
The New You
King of Pentacles
Through discipline and your business acumen you can bring stability, efficiency, and leadership to a situation that feels unruly and unmanageable. Your pragmatic perspective can aid you in converting potential into reality. Your hard-working and focused approach can bring a lot of success and wealth if it’s sustainable.
Advice for Transformation
Ace of Cups
Instead of closing down, open your heart to the world and the experiences it has to offer. New or deepened relationships and the feelings they inspire are important guides on our journey forward and can fill open hearts with love. Make sure you are open and honest about your emotions, especially with yourself, during this transformative time.
The Old You
Ten of Cups
There is a fine line between holding up something that you idealize, and overidealizing it. Bliss and love can create high pedestals. It’s easy to let our desire for peace at home override our sense of self. While lovely and cherished for it, rainbows are still illusions. Don’t be performative, or grow overly attached to playing out your ‘perfect’ scenario.
The New You
The Tower
The changes you make have the potential to be foundation-toppling. You’ve spent the time doing the work of testing all of your prior assumptions and narratives, and have started jettisoning anything that doesn’t serve your future self. You’ll be willing to use disruption and upheaval to help create achievements and transformations that couldn’t have been possible before.
Advice for Transformation
Seven of Cups
You have more choices than just those that are first apparent, so spend some time exploring them, Aquarius. Don’t limit your movement to mimic what others have done – take this opportunity to forge your own path. Let your wildest imagination run towards something utterly new.
The Old You
Eight of Swords
You’ve been dealing with quite a few big things, Capricorn, and the stress from parts of the process going wrong is leading you into helpless thoughts. You’ve felt emotionally challenged, mentally immobilized, and utterly disempowered. You’re feeling far too trapped to be able to see the entirety of the situation, and are just forced to react as things happen.
The New You
Page of Cups
You’ll be far more able to be nurturing and caring toward yourself, and will be more intune with both your emotions and intuition. You’ll be able to be fully present and more aware of the signs, messages, and synchronicities in your dreams. Developing talents that are related to your artistic side will become more of a focus.
Advice for Transformation
Queen of WandsOptimism, enthusiasm, and passion tempered by wisdom and pure ferocity is the way to get the work done. To make such a big change happen for yourself will require keeping the energy up, and the inspiration centered. You have the intensity to get the work done, just keep nurturing the fire in your belly that keeps you moving forward.