4 Zodiacs About To Take The First Step In A New Direction
You’re about to take the first step toward finding your own community, Scorpio. You’ve been living the lone wolf life for a long time, and for good reason. The people you were coming into contact with most often, classmates or coworkers or neighbors, weren’t the people you held things in common with. And it’s not about the surface level things. Upbringing or culture or economic means. It’s about what makes your heart sing, what makes you excited to get up in the morning, what makes your blood boil, and what you will fight for. The things that at your core, make you you, Scorpio. And the people who you fit in with, the people who share your values and interests and curiosity, aren’t on the other side of the world, or too far away to be found. You just have to seek them out. You have to know where to look. And today is the first day you try.
Your first step is about moving towards the things you want, Taurus, and as far away from the pressures of everyone else’s opinion. You will wear what you want, say what you want, eat what you want, dance the way that comes most naturally, smile and laugh and cry without worrying about how your face looks, and go to bed without second guessing what anyone thought of any of your choices. You are going to find freedom and authenticity, and comfort in your own skin you never even imagined could feel this good. You are going to feel ten years younger, and ten times more capable of doing anything you set your mind to. The world is your oyster, and all that’s left for you to do is gulp it down in one unapologetic bite.
Your step is toward self-love, Virgo. Towards healing your inner child and letting go of all of the negative voices that drove you to prove everyone wrong, to win every competition, and ruthlessly show no mercy on your way to the top. Instead you deal with the challenges inner you has been facing all along. Feelings like loneliness or inadequacy, lack of support or comfort. A desire to belong and find approval. You will find the people and places that heal those wounds, and you will be and give yourself the things you need, and in that demonstration of self-kindness let go of some of the pain you’ve been carrying along all this time. It is the first small step in a long and admirable journey, and perhaps the most important one you will ever take.
Your first step is toward the unknown, Gemini, crossing the boundaries of your comfort zone and heading out, aimlessly in search of something new, be it perspective, experience, or adventure. It’s time for you to shake things up and show yourself just how capable you are of encountering newness. Talking to new people, eating new foods, seeing new sights, and reacting to all of the new stimuli. You will watch yourself change in real time as the exposure stretches the way you think and see the world. Your comprehension and compassion will expand, as will your love and appreciation of life. It has so much to offer you, and you have so much to bring to the world, and it’s time these two elements clash in an encounter that you’ll never forget.