jasmin chew

4 Zodiacs About To Face Their Biggest Life Change Yet


Sometimes change isn’t something we can see, Scorpio. It’s not a clean break with a designated before and after. Sometimes we just wake up, in the same place, put on the same clothes, do the same things, with the same people, and come to the conclusion that everything has changed, nothing feels the same, and we are no longer the same person we once were. It’s a tough pill to swallow, but once that Pandora’s box is opened, there’s no way to shut it again. So your only choice is to figure out, what now? Do you keep forcing yourself through the same routine, acting as if everything is the same when you know it’s all a lie, or, do you gather the courage to find a new routine, a new normal that fits the person you’ve become?


Sometimes change is watching everyone around you start to take a different path that just isn’t a fit for you Libra. And as much as you cling to the old ways, the people you care most about just seem to slip through your fingers. It hurts, not to be able to join them for the ride, but deep down you know that where they’re headed isn’t the direction you want to go. You can learn to be happy for them and love them from a further distance than you’re used to. You can learn to break free from the safety of your comfort zones and seek out what your own next chapter is going to look like. You have to find that next part of your life to move on to.


Sometimes change means being thrust into a high-stress, high-stakes environment before you feel ‘ready’ for it, Cancer. Something you didn’t ask for, but can’t avoid. Something you have no other choice to face head on and give your best shot. You can waste time asking yourself the usual questions, why me, why now, why this, or you can start asking yourself ‘how’? How will I learn the things I need to know to take on this challenge? How can I collaborate with others to accomplish this task? How can I change the way I see myself so that I don’t hold myself back out of fear? Remember, just because something is new or hard doesn’t mean we aren’t completely capable of doing it.


Sometimes changes means slowing down, Pisces. It means saying no, taking on less, and giving ourselves the time and space to rest and heal. It’s the moment in our lives where we become the adult who is in control, who decides when to stay home because we’re sick, who buys a thermometer and soup and gatorade and puts ourselves to bed. Even if we have important things to do or places to be. Learning to step into that role and make those important calls is going to be a huge shift. You are so used to looking to others for validation or confirmation, but the time has come for you to call it, to make a choice about how much you can actually handle.