4 Zodiacs About To Discover A New Treasure
Your treasure is time with your loved ones. The little moments and conversations and inside jokes that you end up remembering for years to come. You will have a special opportunity to spend an extended amount of time with the people you love most, and whether it’s a road or camping trip, a family reunion or vacation, you’ll realize how special it is to be surrounded by people who truly love, respect, support, and lift you up in life. You realize the qualities you love most about yourself are tied to things you’ve learned and picked up from them, the things you’ve always tried to emulate. Whatever is in your nature is also the result of so much nurture, and this time makes you recognize and appreciate it in brand new ways.
Your stubbornness is a treasure that deserves to be protected at all costs. It’s tied to your iron resolve and sensitive intuition, and is the thing that makes you you at your core. You can’t be persuaded or led astray, you’re not a gullible target for anyone to manipulate. The same part of you that wouldn’t talk to strangers as a kid, is the same stubbornness that doesn’t let anyone convince you to change the way you think, the way you dress, or the people you trust in as an adult. You will hold your ground, no matter how much pushback you encounter, and it makes you one of the most solid, dependable friends and colleagues people look to in times of need.
Your treasure is free time, Libra, although it may come disguised in another package. Lay offs, breakups, and canceled travel plans all get us down in the dumps, but the clean slate they leave behind are canvases we get to fill in ourselves. If one thing is off the table, it can create room for something that is actually a better fit for us on multiple levels. Getting that chance, that opportunity to start from scratch is sometimes exactly the push we need to dust our ideas or dreams off of the shelf and put them back into focus. It’s so easy to get bogged down with immediate obligations that we lose sight of our long term plans. This moment is your time to reassess and recalibrate.
Your treasure is knowledge, Taurus. You’ve been back and forth for weeks about this topic, stuck on the fence with no end in sight, but finally you will receive the information you need to make an informed decision. Your conscience will be clear, and you won’t have any regrets or second guesses keeping you up at night. Sometimes we just have to wait for things to fall into place, for the right people to speak up, for the facts to come into focus. In those instances we can make the choice that is best for ourselves and the people we love and move quickly into action. It can be so hard to find the patience for those moments to arrive, but when they do the wait is worth it.