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4 Zodiacs Who Will Thrive During Venus in Pisces

Venus has entered Pisces, and it’s bringing some romance and idealism to the zodiac realm!

After its transit through Aquarius, which led us to lean toward more logical, intellectual pursuits in our relationships and our art, Venus has finally made its way to the dreamy sign of Pisces. Venus is exalted in this sign, meaning it thrives and expands to its fullest nature here, but of course, there can be too much of a good thing!

Venus is the planet of relationships, love, and beauty, and Pisces is the sign associated with romanticism, intuition, and even illusion. We can easily become swept off our feet and fall head over heels, and we may feel more encouraged to express our emotions through grand gestures or public displays. Our interest in art, fashion, or beauty is likely to rise substantially and can serve as a creative period for many.

While Venus in Pisces will affect all the zodiac signs, a few may be more affected than others. Check the signs below (Sun and Rising!) to see which signs will thrive during Venus in Pisces.


As Venus moves into your sign, don’t be surprised if you feel more confident, Pisces. With Venus transiting your 1st House of Self and Identity, you may notice people are more attracted to you or that you feel more attractive yourself. The extra boost of confidence may help you embrace your natural romanticism and creativity instead of hindering it for the sake of others. You may want to change your aesthetic through clothes, a new hairstyle, or new piercings/tattoos—though you’ll want to ensure you know what you want before committing to more permanent measures. However, the main thing you should remember this season is that your needs and wants are as important as your loved ones and those around you. This can be an opportunity for you to understand better what you need to thrive in your relationships and expression, and if you’re willing to accept that, it could be quite a game-changer for you. 


This season could introduce you to a more playful, creative side of yourself, Scorpio. As Venus moves into your 5th House of Creativity and Pleasure, your creative and artistic pursuits capture your attention more. Whether you receive a fresh dose of inspiration or feel more open to trying new approaches, this is a great period to lean into avenues such as music, writing/poetry, and art projects. Expressing yourself through these means could feel more satisfying, and it’s worth seeing what you could come up with! In your romantic life, Venus is ready to add a little sentimental streak to your passionate approach. If you’re single, you may feel more flirty and desire to be more unpredictable in how you meet others—meet-cutes and more romantic approaches may have more success with you. If you’re in a relationship, you may long for or initiate grand gestures to show your love. The rose-colored glasses can’t stay on forever, but they can be deeply enjoyed for the present moment!


Your relationships are the focus this season, Virgo. While Pisces season has already shifted your focus towards personal relationships, Venus in Pisces in your 7th House of Partnerships only heightens the fixation. Your relationships (platonic, romantic, and even business) will all benefit from Venus’ influence over the next few weeks. You may feel more secure or optimistic about these connections. Your idealism may really showcase itself in the romance department. If you’re single, this could be a good time to put yourself out there and seek out those relationships or take a casual dalliance to the next stage. If you’re in a relationship, you may desire to deeply connect with your partner and discover new sides to them. If things have been rocky in any of your relationships, this can also be a good opportunity to work things out. Remember that your needs are also important, though, and it’s good to take this time to determine everyone involved is getting the most out of these relationships. 


Your work and public life are in the spotlight this season, Gemini. Venus moves into your 10th House of Career and Public Image, which could note a shift in your dynamics and relationships at work, notably with those in authority over you. You may be perceived more or better acknowledged for the role you play, and your ideas and creative approaches may be more valued during these next few weeks. Your relationships may also put you more in the spotlight, which can be romantic but overwhelming, so be prepared. Additionally, you may be more likely to develop a work crush but remember that these types of relationships can become complicated quickly, even if they feel romantic. Ensure you know what you’re getting into before you get too swept off your feet!