4 Zodiac Signs Who Use Humor As An Emotional Crutch
Humor is an invaluable tool in everyday life, allowing us all to approach certain potentially serious situations with a far healthier mindset. Diffusing certain predicaments and robbing specific scenarios of their palpable tension, a great joke can go a long way in improving our individual morale and boosting our self-confidence. While most people tend to joke about their ongoing personal challenges, some signs tend to employ humor far more often when navigating their daily lives.
Relying on their natural intelligence to solve any problem life throws at them, Geminis aren’t averse to using a quick quip when overcoming an obstacle in their path. While some might balk whenever they’re faced with the same challenges, a Gemini will always try to keep an optimistic air about them by cracking one joke after another. Through this, they’re able to better distract themselves, giggling at a punchline instead of groaning about the difficulty of a situation.
Leos take it upon themselves to entrance people every time they’re in a large crowd or gathering. If they’re at a tense work meeting, they’ll comment about the weather or joke about the traffic clogging up the highway. If they’re at a funeral, they’ll deliver a eulogy as heartfelt as it is laugh-out-loud funny. To them, comedy is the ultimate remedy to life’s problems, helping make the most troubling issues that much more palatable.
Sagittarians are always able to see the bright side of a situation, regardless of how dark or agonizingly hopeless it might seem at first glance. If it’s pouring rain in the middle of their hike, they’ll wryly mention how they knew they should have checked the weather beforehand. If they get a flat tire on their way to work, they’ll smile and say to themselves, “Well, I really didn’t feel like going into the office today, anyway.” Never letting a problem get them down for too long, they’ll always use a wisecrack to help them avoid taking things too seriously.
While they have a serious tendency to escape into their own imagination, Pisces also realize that life isn’t always fair or enjoyable. When this happens, they’ll either flee into their own creative fantasies, or draw on their rich sense of humor to deescalate a situation. Whether confronting a problem on their own or helping a close friend or family member contend with a personal tragedy, they’ll freely use jokes and other humorous banter to garner a laugh, encouraging us all to keep a clear head until our situations improve for the better.