4 Zodiac Signs Who Struggle To Control Their Anger
Like the ram that personifies your zodiac symbol, you’re hard-headed and stubborn almost to a fault, Aries, frequently tapping into your vast emotions with the slightest provocation. Though your volatile feelings significantly contribute to your adventurous lifestyle, they also threaten to erupt whenever you feel wronged in some way, triggering a fiery explosion of anger, rage, and frustration. Sadly, your chaotic temper can unintentionally hurt those closest to you, even when they aren’t necessarily responsible for offending you in the first place.
You consider yourself a patient and understanding person, Taurus, regularly letting others speak their mind and listening to everything they have to say. Unfortunately, even the strongest rubber bands snap under extreme pressure – an analogy that accurately illustrates your own personal limitations. While it takes a lot for you to reach your breaking point, once you’ve been sufficiently pushed to the edge, you’ll launch into violent fits of anger that leaves everyone around you shocked, confused, and more than a little terrified.
You prefer to mask your emotions behind an inscrutable expression, Scorpio, priding yourself on your emotional objectivity and even-tempered take on the world. In spite of all your stoicism, however, you’re subject to the same complicated feelings as everyone else, including such negative emotions as anger, sadness, and exasperation. Like the aforementioned Taurus, it may take a significant amount for your straight-faced mask to begin cracking, but once you feel your anger bubbling to the surface, it isn’t long before you’re yelling and screaming at those unfortunate enough to earn your ire.
You hold a warmer view of life and the universe before you, Sagittarius, affording you a chance to enjoy your various adventures rather than fretting about the uncertainty of the future. Sadly, this rose-tinted view can occasionally slip away amidst severe stress and anxiety, giving way to negative emotions you can’t help but embrace. In most cases, this anger takes the form of biting sarcasm and mean-spirited jokes, allowing you to vent your frustration without explicitly raising your voice. Yet even then, such comments prove every bit as hurtful as outright insults, in spite of you delivering them with a glib laugh or quiet chuckle.