Derek Randolph

4 Zodiac Signs Who Know How To Love An Aries

Not everyone knows how to handle an Aries. They’re notoriously hotheaded, stubborn, and occasionally mean—although they’ll tell you they’re just being brutally honest, and even their white-hot rage episodes will typically pass after a few minutes.

Since Aries is the “baby of the zodiac” (in other words, the first sign that signals the beginning of the spring equinox and the astrological new year), their behavior can certainly appear impulsive and even childlike at times.

However, for every negative personality trait associated with a zodiac sign, there’s an equally positive manifestation of that very same quality. Anyone who has ever spent time with an Aries will tell you that their chaotic, Type B personalities are maddeningly charismatic. They know how to encourage their friends and partners to take risks, join them on wild adventures, and stand up for their convictions.

Aries’ spontaneity and independent streak make them great leaders and trendsetters, willing to take hard and impassioned stances even when the rest of the crowd isn’t following them.

If you have any of the following rising signs, you have the sign of Aries on an important angle in your chart, and thus are more likely to draw Aries people into your world.

You share a commonality: you’re all cardinal signs, born at the beginning of a season and possessing innate entrepreneurial traits.

If you’ve fallen madly in love with an Aries and you’re wondering how to go about satisfying their seemingly endless supply of energy, here is a simple breakdown of how your relationship is likely to unfold.


With their sun stationed directly in your first house of self, your identity is bound to fuse closely with your partner; oftentimes we do end up with people who share one of our “big three” in astrology. While your strength and courage is often a form of bravado and you might not be as willing to take risks as you appear to be, your Aries will consistently light a fire under your heels, encouraging you and holding you accountable. What’s more, they’ll always want to join you on your adventures and celebrate your achievements. Just watch out for combative tendencies between the two of you; because they’re thrill-seekers at their core, Aries can become weirdly competitive over seemingly innocuous things.


Their sun is elevated in your tenth house of legacy and career, meaning that their presence in your life is fated to bring professional recognition. If you’re the type of person who enjoys combining business with pleasure, you could achieve a lot with your Aries. If you are patient with each other and avoid unhealthy competition, viewing each other as allies rather than rivals, you could easily come to embody the true meaning of “power couple.” Your Aries will cheer for you when no one else does, motivating you to keep chasing your dreams, and during your times of notable success, they will not hesitate to order the most expensive champagne to celebrate you. With your Aries by your side, you’ll always have your own personal cheerleader, someone who recognizes your potential but gives you the tough love necessary to reach it.


With their sun sitting in your seventh house of marriage, you have a good chance of tying the knot with your Aries—as long as other aspects of your synastry suggest compatibility over the long term. At the very least, you’re bound to be strongly attracted to your Aries: the chemistry is immediate and intense, making you vulnerable to idealization and limerence. You will find them captivating due to their intensity, their recklessness, and their childlike immersion in the world, which inspires you to participate in life more than simply observe. However, you’re opposite signs, so the ways in which you move through the world are fundamentally different. Give each other grace and communicate a lot, so you can better understand where they’re coming from. The mystery of your differences has the power to keep this balanced relationship going for a very, very long time.


Their sun rules your fourth house of domestic bliss, so they’ll fit right into your existing family structure and help you build a solid foundation if you choose to start your new family together. Your Aries immediately feels like home, reminding you of the qualities you started out with in your earliest, most formative memories. They keep you active, excited, and passionate about chasing your goals every day. There is never a dull moment with your Aries, who may very well manage to make your relationship feel like an adventure and a safe haven all at once. Whether you’re jetting around the world together or simply talking over your morning coffee, their joie de vivre will motivate you to get out of bed every morning.