4 Zodiac Signs Who Deal With Grief The Hardest
Grief is one of the hardest things a person can experience, forcing us all to cope with loss, trauma, and the debilitating consequences of personal tragedies. Whether dealing with the unexpected passing of a loved one or the sudden end of a relationship, grief affects us all in different ways, testing our abilities to bear heartache when we least anticipate it. While loss itself is an inevitable part of life, certain signs seem better equipped to handle grief than others, allowing them to confront tragic, life-altering events with healthy resourcefulness and both mental and emotional clarity.
You’ve spent years cultivating a very specific, well-maintained lifestyle, Taurus, developing norms based on preconceived expectations about daily life. Because of your adherence to this rigid schedule, you have a hard time adjusting to situations that disrupt your lifestyle, demolishing the sense of predictability you’ve worked on developing for so long. Whenever you’re confronted with loss, it seems like the world is crumbling down around you, forcing you to spend significant portions of time trying to adjust to the new sense of normalcy.
You experience emotions far differently than most, Cancer, absorbing other people’s feelings like a sponge soaking up water. As a result, your grieving process feels even more difficult, causing you to grapple with various emotions all at once. Constantly seeking the personal assurance of others, you need someone by your side during these hard times, regularly reminding you that everything will work out – no matter how dark things seem at the present moment.
A habitual overthinker in every area of life, you suffer through a existential crisis every time you contend with grief-stricken tragedy. For you, the five stages of grief isn’t a linear coping mechanism – it’s a whirlwind of overlapping emotions that threaten to topple your otherwise logical worldview. While some people might experience denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance in a chronological fashion, you suffer through all five at once, causing you to feel emotionally and mentally exhausted by the time the day’s over.
You know that change is unavoidable, Libra, whether that means the gradual evolution of a relationship or the random loss of a close friend or family member. Though you recognize that time heals all wounds, you still feel a strong sense of loss, leading you down a tunnel of weighty emotions that consume entire days at a time. You know that eventually you’ll emerge from this tunnel and recover your emotional objectivity – but it can take days, weeks, months, perhaps even years before you exit on the other side.