4 Zodiac Signs Who Always Take Charge In A Relationship
An Aries is always happiest whenever control falls into their hands, giving them a chance to live out their greatest fantasies without anyone interfering or telling them “no.” For Aries, freedom and self-dependence are key hallmarks of their personality, a characteristic they directly translate into their private lives and relationships. In their eyes, a suitable partner is one who’s able to keep up with their fast-moving lifestyle, tagging along to their constant adventures abroad without tiring or slowing down.
Leo is used to being the life of the party, dazzling everyone around them with their loquacious speaking skills, flamboyant elegance, and unending supply of memorable stories and party anecdotes. As a result of their fearlessness and outgoing nature, Leos always delight at taking advantage of the time they spend with their significant others. If they notice their partner is a tad shy in showing off their dance moves, they’ll take them by the hand and guide them to the center of the dance floor, encouraging them to have fun, be themselves, and not take life so seriously.
To Virgos, a relationship is a massive project that needs constant care and attention. Because of this, a Virgo will be perfectly blunt when it comes to potential suitors, picking and choosing their partners like an employer sifting through job interviews. Demanding nothing but the best from their significant other, once a Virgo has determined they like someone, they’ll quickly go about laying concrete relationship goals, preemptively scheduling the next three dates before the first one has even concluded.
Scorpios are used to living in their own mind, maintaining their own unique thought process that few people (including their closest loved ones) are privy to. Asking an array of questions without answering nearly as many in return, a Scorpio feels most comfortable when a relationship moves at their own desired pace. Though it might take them some time to open up and trust their partner, they’re able to do so according to their own terms, rewarding their partner’s patience by revealing a side to their personality that most people aren’t aware exists.