4 Zodiac Signs Who Always Play The Victim In An Argument
More often than not, most zodiac signs will at least entertain the idea of forgiving those who wronged them in the past. Taurus, on the other hand, will never even consider forgiveness as a viable option. Retreating into their private circle once they feel they’ve been unjustly wronged, they’ll be the first to ask someone else to apologize, but will never consider their own role in the argument. Adjusting themselves to a new sense of normalcy, they’ll write someone out of their life like a monarch banishing their once loyal subjects, even if they themselves are in the wrong.
To describe Cancer as being unjustly paranoid might seem an oversimplification, but that’s largely the case for these infamously temperamental astrological signs. When they notice two people laughing in a crowded bar or restaurant, Cancer will instantly believe they’re laughing about them. If a car hits a puddle and splashes water on them, they’ll automatically assume the driver went out of their way to carry out a mean-spirited prank. Taking offense whenever they feel some friendly banter is coming at their expense, a Cancer will grow defensive within a moment’s notice, lashing out at anyone unfortunate enough to earn their ire.
Virgos are easy to offend simply because they never see themselves as being wrong. In their mind, everything they say and do is justified as being in everyone’s best interest, leading them to take the moral high ground in almost every argument imaginable. Priding themselves on their cool head and objective views, whenever someone starts to raise their voice in anger, Virgos will instantly gasp and appear surprised, failing to realize their own perfectionistic attitude has fueled their friends’ increasingly fiery temper.
Scorpios display a natural skepticism about the world, rarely venturing outside of their comfort zone for fear of getting hurt. Unfortunately, when this inevitably happens, they can’t help but assume the role of the victim, looking upon their wounded pride as proof that they shouldn’t have gone out on a limb and trusted another person. If you’ve somehow wronged a Scorpio, you’d better believe they’ll hold that against you for the rest of your life, never considering themselves remotely responsible for the verbal disagreements you’ve shared with them.