4 Zodiac Signs Who Always Need To Be In A Relationship
Few things in life are as overarchingly satisfying as finding yourself in the midst of an emotionally rewarding relationship. Bonding with your significant other through idyllic date nights, candlelit dinners, and hushed, late-night phone conversations, the joy of falling in love is a feeling beyond adequate description. While certain people might find enjoyment outside of a relationship, others continuously feel their best whenever they’re part of an official couple, delighting in every second spent with their ideal romantic counterpart.
You don’t necessarily need to be in a relationship for the emotional aspect – you need to be in it for the unique level of predictability that can only come through a relationship. Once you’ve gone on three or four dates with someone, you’re ready to settle down and refer to yourselves as a couple. By doing so, you’re able to better adjust your meticulously well-maintained schedule and lifestyle to that of your partner’s, configuring a new state of normalcy that you intrinsically thrive on.
As one of the most outgoing signs of the zodiac, you crave constant care and attention when it comes to your social groups and prospective romantic endeavors. For you, life is meant to be shared, allowing you and your partner to form lasting memories you’re able to look back fondly on for the rest of your days. Whether spending time with a close-knit circle of friends or an adoring significant other, you’re happiest whenever you have someone to split your time with.
A perpetual people person, you’re always looking to have a companion by your side through thick or thin. Despising the idea of loneliness in any form it might take, for you, life is all about spending time with the people you care about – something best gained through meaningful romantic relationships. Tossing and turning whenever you’re forced to inhabit a bed on your own, you sleep so much better whenever you have a partner laying beside you, equipping you with comfort, support, and an unending supply of physical and emotional warmth.
While you’re satisfied with some occasional alone time, it’s no secret that you feel most satisfied whenever you’re face-to-face with a person you value and respect. In some ways, that might mean a best friend you spend a significant portion of your time with. In others, that satisfaction can only come from spending adventurous date nights with a potential romantic suitor. Again, you’re certainly not afraid to spend a few nights on your own free from company. Yet it isn’t very long before you’re dreaming of your partner’s face, fondly recalling their breath on your neck, their voice in your ear, and the glittering light in their gaze once you’ve locked eyes.