4 Birth Months With Slow-Healing Hearts
Brandon Woelfel

4 Birth Months With Slow-Healing Hearts

Some people are going to bounce back from heartache with ease. It won’t take them long to put themselves out there again because they want to find someone new to help them forget about their past loves. But other people aren’t going to get over their heartbreaks this easily. They are going to need plenty of time to accept what happened and to move on from it. Here are the birth months with slow-healing hearts:


You can’t change the fact that you have a slow-healing heart. You might be jealous of your friends who can bounce back quickly after getting hurt, but that’s not the way that you work. You need time to process what you have experienced, to accept it and to grow from it. You aren’t going to be ready for a new relationship overnight, and that’s okay. You shouldn’t rush into the arms of someone new in order to forget about someone else anyway. You should give yourself the time and the space to breathe without a partner. Don’t rush yourself. Your heart will heal when it’s time.


You have a slow-healing heart that needs time to adjust to new situations. After all, losing someone who you assumed would be in your life forever isn’t easy to process. It’s going to take time to grow used to your new normal. It’s going to be difficult to accept that they are no longer in your world when they were once such a huge part of it. You are going to need a while to heal from your heartbreak, but that’s okay. That means you met someone who was important to you. It means you went through a transformational experience – and it will happen again. You will be loved fully again. It just might be a while until you’re ready to accept that love.


You have a slow-healing heart that makes it hard to forget about your past loves. Your exes always seem to move on quicker than you do, which makes your heartache extra hard. You don’t know how they could forget about the good times you’ve shared when you’re still hung up on them – but you need to remember that you can’t judge how they’re feeling from afar. They might miss you in their own way. And their journey doesn’t determine yours. You can’t worry too much about how they’re doing or what they’re thinking. You need to focus on yourself.


Once someone makes a home in your heart, they are there permanently. It doesn’t matter if they break up with you. It doesn’t matter if they completely shatter your heart. A large part of you is always going to care about them. You can’t snap your fingers and make your feelings for them disappear, even though you wish that you could. It takes a long time for you to heal because you feel so deeply. You grow so attached to everyone you date. You aren’t going to get over them in a few days because they were too important to you. You need time to heal, and that’s okay. You can’t rush the process. It will happen when it happens.