4 Birth Months With Skittish Hearts
Thought Catalog Agency

4 Birth Months With Skittish Hearts

It’s hard to scare some people away. Once they start developing feelings for you, they will be all in. But that’s not the case for others, who will run away at the first sign of trouble that they spot. If you give them even one red flag, then there’s a chance they could lose complete faith in you and close themselves off. Here are the birth months with the most skittish hearts:


You are terrified of getting hurt, which is why you have such a skittish heart. You don’t want to overlook red flags the way that you have done in the past and end up staying with someone who isn’t a good fit for you. You would rather weed out the wrong people early, which means staying on alert. It means running away when you get a bad feeling in your gut. Sometimes, you might run away from someone who was actually worthy of your love, but you would rather have that happen than risk staying with the wrong person longer than you should.


You have a skittish heart because confrontation puts you on edge. Although you know that every single relationship is going to have its ups and downs, you are going to be extra cautious when your partner gets into fights with you. You are going to pay close attention to them to make sure they are treating you the way that you deserve. If they make even the smallest misstep, then you are going to rethink your commitment to them. You have been in too many bad relationships in the past. You don’t want to give anyone too much leeway and end up regretting it. You are going to be strict about who you let have access to your heart, and you aren’t going to apologize for it.


You have a skittish heart because you have given people way too much room for improvement in the past. You have given them unlimited chances, which they have used to hurt you again and again. Since you don’t want history to repeat itself, you are going to be cautious when it comes to love. You are going to cut and run if you get the feeling that this person isn’t going to rise to your standards. After all, you don’t want them to think the way they’re treating you is okay. If you let the behavior stand, then it would continue. And you aren’t going to let that happen.


You have a skittish heart because you have high standards that you aren’t going to lower for anyone. You aren’t going to let your partner get away with giving you less than you deserve, even if you love them with your whole heart. You are skittish because you know you deserve the best. You don’t want to end up stuck with someone who struggles to meet your standards. If you notice a red flag, it’s going to send you running because partners are on their best behavior early on. If they aren’t treating you right now, then chances are it will only grow worse tomorrow. You would rather leave now, before the hurt snowballs.