4 Birth Months Who Will Date Their Soulmate For Years Before Getting Married
Sophie Oatman

4 Birth Months Who Will Date Their Soulmate For Years Before Marriage

Some people get married a few months after meeting — but other people wait years and years. Even if they know they’ve found the right person, they won’t take that step yet. They need a little more time. Here are the birth months who tend to date their soulmate for years before getting married:


You are an incredibly patient person. You aren’t in any rush to get married because if you’re with the right person, they aren’t going anywhere. You have plenty of time to walk down the aisle, so there’s no reason to skip ahead. You want to enjoy every part of your relationship, starting from the puppy love stage, so you aren’t going to be too focused on the future. You would rather focus on enjoying the present that is right in front of you. Even though marriage is something that you are strongly considering, you aren’t the type to put a ring on it only a few months after meeting someone. You want to form a real, deep connection before you take that next step. You want to make sure you’re both ready for this.


You are a logical person, so you aren’t going to rush into marriage earlier than you should. Even when your heart is telling you this is the right person, you’re going to wait it out. You’re going to make sure that you aren’t making a mistake. Besides, you are way more concerned with creating a happy, healthy relationship than you are with making it official. You want to pour your energy into strengthening your bond as a couple before putting that energy into planning a wedding. Even though you might have known your person was the one for you as soon as you met, you have been willing to wait so that the wedding is perfect. So that you’re both happy with the outcome.


You want to be one thousand percent sure you’re with the right person before getting married. Since you’re such a cynic, you’re always on the lookout for red flags. You didn’t want to get engaged too early in the relationship because you didn’t want to wake up one day regretting it. Although some people might disagree with how long you’re waiting, when you finally get married, you are going to be extra positive that you’re making the right decision because you took your time. You didn’t rush into anything. You didn’t let society or family members pressure you into moving faster than you were comfortable moving. Marriage is something you’re going to do when you really, genuinely want it. And you think that’s the way it should be.


You don’t need a piece of paper to prove your love. If you’re with the same person for years and years, it’s because you love them. You are already committed, regardless of whether or not you’re legally married. Since you aren’t the traditional type, it can take you years to walk down the aisle because it’s not a priority for you. You’re more concerned with making sure you and your partner are happy, that you have a nice place to live, that you both feel loved and valued. The rest can wait.