4 Birth Months Who Are Scared To Get Too Attached
H Influencer Collective / Alivia Latimer

4 Birth Months Who Are Scared To Get Too Attached

Some people aren’t going to hesitate to enter relationships. They are fearless when it comes to love because they are optimistic about how it will go, or because they believe risks are worth taking. But others aren’t as thrilled to put their heart on the line. Here are the birth months who are scared to get too attached:


Early on in a relationship, people born in April are going to come across as fearless. They act impulsively and let their passion guide them, so they aren’t going to hesitate to tell someone how they feel or enter a new relationship. But once the relationship starts to get serious, that’s when they will become wary. They will start to worry about how fast their feelings are growing and how dangerous it could be to get attached to this person. Since they pride themselves their independence, they won’t want to get too close to someone who could bring them down. They would rather be alone than with the wrong person, so they might start to pull away. They will have a big decision to make: Is this person worth the commitment or are they only meant to be temporary?


People born in June don’t trust their own gut enough. They are terrified that they’re going to grow attached to the wrong person, so they try not to grow attached at all. They would rather close off their heart so there’s no chance of getting hurt — but that’s impossible. Even when they’re trying not to care about a certain someone, it ends up happening anyway. They can’t stop themselves from feeling, but they can stop themselves from agreeing to a committed relationship. People born during this month can take a long time to decide whether they want a real relationship with you because they’re scared of what will happen if they open up their heart, only to have it shattered in the end. 


People born in September are scared to have their heart broken because they love so intensely. When they fall for someone, they fall hard, and they are scared to deal with that level of emotion. Even though they want to let others in and want to be in a committed relationship, they are going to hesitate out of fear that they’re going to get hurt again. The last thing they want is to grow attached to the wrong person. They don’t want to picture a future together, only to have it crumble a few months later. So they will try their hardest not to care — until they find someone who makes it impossible to resist. Someone who feels like they’re worth the risk. 


People born during December are completely fine on their own. That’s why they have such a hard time admitting when they’re interested in dating someone. They don’t want to throw away their simple, safe life in exchange for the potential to be hurt worse than they’ve ever been hurt before. They’re scared to get too attached because they know they can lead a perfectly happy life on their own. But just because they can survive without someone else doesn’t mean they should — especially once they find someone worth risking it all for.