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4 Birth Months Who Always Fall For Bare Minimum Men

It’s a heartbreaking scenario that seems to play itself out time and time again. The man is not necessarily cruel or dismissive, but he doesn’t put in any extra effort either. He’s just barely there, fulfilling the most basic relationship requirements, but never going the extra mile to make you feel cherished or valued.

If you’re born in January, chances are you’ve been there. Your practical nature and ability to see the best in people often leads you to stay longer than you should. You might find yourself wondering if you’re asking for too much because he isn’t technically treating you poorly. But the cold truth is, if he isn’t making you feel loved and cherished, then it’s time for a reevaluation. You don’t need to find a significant flaw to justify parting ways. If you aren’t getting what you deserve, it’s time to step up or step out. Remember, it’s not selfish, it’s self-preservation.

April-born individuals, you’re no strangers to this predicament. Your enthusiastic and optimistic nature might make you feel like you’re the nag in the relationship. You’re always the one initiating, planning, asking. But let me tell you, in the right relationship, your partner won’t make you feel like you’re asking for too much. Instead, they’ll be attuned to your needs, ready to make you smile without you having to ask.

August-born, you’re known for your hard-working and responsible nature. You carry the weight of the world on your shoulders, and often, the weight of the relationship too. You make the dinner plans, you come up with the date ideas, you keep the conversations going. Always remember, a relationship is a two-way street. They should be meeting you halfway, not just skating by based on how much they know you’ll tolerate.

For those born in November, your intuitive and patient nature can sometimes lead to your downfall in love. You believe in the potential of your partner, so you stick around, hoping they will change. The harsh reality is, if they’re not willing to go out of their way to make you feel special, then it’s time to reevaluate. You shouldn’t have to feel like you’re asking for too much when, in truth, you should be demanding someone who values you.