3 Zodiacs Whose Hearts Harden With Age
We’re all an amalgamation of our pasts. Each event coalesces into who we are as we age. While some weather heartbreak well and don’t let it deter them from finding their soulmates, others use their pasts as proof that love isn’t for them. They get hurt once and don’t want it to ever happen again. For these three zodiac signs, their hearts harden as they get older. Every breakup adds another brick to the wall around their hearts. Will they let anyone fully in? Only time will tell.
You’re a very romantic sign. Each long term relationship takes your whole heart. You’re there for “forever,” so when it ends, it’s like a notch in your heart that never heals. While you might hate to admit it, after a few big heartbreaks, you’re a lot more reluctant to give your heart away. You don’t want to ever feel this kind of sorrow again. So you’ve erected walls to hopefully prevent yourself from ever feeling that soul-crushing loss again. At some point though, you might realize that the potential for love may just outweigh the feelings you’ll go through if it ends. Maybe.
You don’t like to open up to people. Being vulnerable is your worst-case-scenario, so it takes a lot for you to let someone in. You’ll only do it in committed relationships. Unfortunately, every time you get your heart broken, you use it as proof that you should have never been vulnerable in the first place. As you get older, each heartbreak adds to the next until you’ve hardened your heart so much that you refuse to ever let anyone in again. Deep down, you know that this isn’t healthy, though.
There’s so much to life, and love is just one of them. While you’re happy to entertain life-changing romance in your youth, it gets less and less fun as you get older. There’s a part of you that’s romanticized being alone over sharing a life with someone. There’s something about spending your days in the garden or working on your hobbies without dealing with the expectations of a partner that sounds way more appealing to you. Sure, it might mean that your heart has grown hard, but that’s okay if it means that you’re happy.