3 Zodiacs Whose Careers Will Be Impacted By The New Moon On February 9
Your eleventh house of networking, social groups, wishes, and aspirations is being activated by this New Moon. You might be feeling inspired to pursue a passion or ambition alongside friends or colleagues. The New Moon is pushing you to take a risk for your future and success—whether this means investing your time or resources, collaborating on an idea, putting yourself out there, or presenting a pitch. It would be wise to use your connections during this New Moon in Aquarius, especially with your planetary ruler Mars transiting the final degrees of Capricorn. There’s an increased potential that doing so will help you advance your professional career. The network you’ve built was spawned from your efforts and reputation—it should rightfully be used to your advantage, Aries.
The New Moon in Aquarius activates your tenth house of career, reputation, and legacy. You may be feeling ready and anxious to step into a bigger role. This New Moon is a good period for you to step up to the plate for more recognition. Put yourself in the spotlight to show that you’re well-equipped to take on more responsibilities. This New Moon is telling you to make a bigger name for yourself. Take some time to reset. Try to gain a clear perspective on your long-term goals and vision of the future. How could your professional life be more fulfilling? Does it need a change of course? What steps could you be taking now to get you closer to realizing your aspirations and professional dreams? Use the New Moon to step back and stare intently at the bigger picture.
Your sector of sustenance, the material realm, money, finances, values, and self-worth is being highlighted by the New Moon in Aquarius. Trust that renewed sense of confidence that you’re feeling in your capabilities and expertise. If you’ve been feeling like the way you make an income isn’t in alignment with your values and higher sense of purpose, then this New Moon is a good time to start changing your course and pursue a different path. If there’s a professional side gig you’ve been thinking about pursuing for money on the side, draw up some plans. If you’ve been struggling on the job market, your circumstances may be improving. If you’ve been eyeing a pay raise, then you should advocate for yourself on the New Moon.