3 Zodiacs Who Will Uncover Their Hidden Dark Side This Winter
Winter can have a profound effect on our individual psyche. On the one hand, the blustery season can make us cherish the warmer days of summer, encouraging us to think back to the peaceful days we spent outdoors with family and friends. On the other hand, winter can also help us discover some hard truths about ourselves, forcing us each to look inward and come face-to-face with the darker aspects of our personalities.
As one of the most headstrong signs of the zodiac, you’re not used to backing down or giving in when it comes to an argument, Taurus. Rarely venturing outside your comfort zone, you grow embittered and angry when someone pushes you too far, inevitably leading to an intense argument. As winter gets underway and you spend more time indoors, you’ll feel more at ease with your immediate surroundings. Unfortunately, that also means that it’ll be even harder to step back into the outside world, resulting in some potentially disastrous fights between yourself and the people challenging your preconceived worldview.
You have plenty of ambition, Leo, dreaming up idyllic fantasies for yourself and the chosen career path you’ve settled on. As one year ends and another begins, you’ll become a bit more aware of the personal sacrifice your plans might involve. In particular, you’ll more readily recognize the cutthroat qualities it takes to succeed, whether that means prioritizing your job over time spent with friends and family or ruthlessly putting yourself above all those who stand in your way.
You pride yourself on your optimistic outlook on life, Sagittarius. Where others see pain and misery, you choose to highlight a situation or setting’s more admirable qualities, remaining upbeat and positive in the most dire of circumstances. This winter, however, your normally upbeat attitude will be tested like never before. While you choose to see each hardship in life as a meaningful lesson – allowing you to grow, change, and mature as a person – the tragedies that befall you this winter will have a more immediate effect, triggering a chastened emotional response you never knew you were capable of experiencing.