Thought Catalog Agency

3 Zodiacs Who Romantically Self-Sabotage (Because They’re Afraid To Be Vulnerable Again)


You’re so caught up in the past that you prevent yourself from opening up to something new—something that could be beautiful. Someone who you loved profoundly and who you thought you’d share the rest of your life with burned you so badly that it left you jaded. It was hard enough to extend your trust to another person in the past, now it’s near impossible. You believe that holding on to control can protect you, but it only harms you. If you don’t stop putting potential lovers and suitors through tests to make them prove themselves, you’re going to find yourself bitter and alone. Taurus, you so badly cherish power, but you’re handing all of yours to the person who hurt you. Don’t allow your past heartbreak to be the reason that you don’t get to know a safe, secure, and stable love. 


Just like Taurus, you’re letting your past disappointments dictate your romantic future. You’re so closed off and guarded that no one can reach you. Being impenetrable won’t protect you from heartache, but it will assure that you never find the emotional intimacy that you so deeply crave. You don’t allow yourself to get comfortable with anybody because you’re so afraid of that safety being taken away. Are you warm enough in the bed you’ve made for yourself? Can you even recognize yourself? Where is that passionate and fearless person who’d risk it all for the love of a lifetime? You’ve been through far worse than having your heart broken. If worse came to worse, you could survive it again. Stop pushing away people who stir feelings inside of you that scare you. The most beautiful thing about you is your great capability for vulnerability. Stop robbing yourself of it. 


Often you’re mistaken as someone who is cold, unemotional, and detached—this couldn’t be further from the truth. You’re just someone who likes to remain in control of your emotions—you don’t want them to control you. The truth is you struggle with processing your feelings and with being able to express them. However, you’re someone who feels deeply. Becoming aloof is a defense mechanism of sorts for you. You don’t even realize you’re doing it. You self-sabotage by being inconsistent with would-be lovers and leaving them feeling utterly confused by where they stand with you. If you allow yourself to be honest, you’d admit that you still haven’t completely healed from a past relationship which broke your trust. Now you find yourself drawn to people who could never truly steal your heart and make a habit of keeping things casual. Are you truly emotionally fulfilled, Aquarius? The reason you feel so restless is because you want more. It’s okay to admit it and it’s okay to let yourself have it.