3 Zodiacs Who Have The Hardest Time Saying No
As simple as it might seem on paper, saying “no” isn’t always easy, coming with a number of potential consequences once you utter the word aloud. Whether it’s passing on a chance to hang out with friends or refusing to complete an assignment from your employer, having the wherewithal to say “no” is a skill only a select number of people seem to possess. Conversely, other signs seem predisposed to always clap back with an instantaneous “yes,” even in situations where they desperately want to say “no.”
You’re terrified by the idea of boredom and mental stagnation, Aries, leading you to partake in any new experiences that come your way. Tapping your foot whenever you’re forced to sit in one place for too long, you’ll never pass up an opportunity to kill time, frequently leading you to say “yes” whenever a friend, family member, coworker, or employer asks for your assistance.
As a person who never wants to ruffle other people’s feathers, you’re perfectly willing to go along to get along, Libra, even if that means sacrificing your own individual happiness for the sake of the greater good. If two of your friends say they want pizza for dinner but you want Chinese, you’ll bite your tongue and agree with your friend group, even though you just had pizza for lunch. To you, the idea of an argument simply isn’t worth the trouble, leading you to stifle your personal wants and needs so that everyone else is content.
You feel an almost parental responsibility for your loved ones’ interests, Capricorn, never shying away from an opportunity to try and improve their life for the better. In some cases, this might mean driving out in the middle of the night to a remote bar after your best friend has had a little too much to drink. In other cases, it might be agreeing to help the coworker you eat lunch with in completing an important assignment at work. Far from viewing these occasional disturbances as an inconvenience, you’re content in the knowledge that you’re helping your friends when they need you most (a satisfying reward in and of itself).