3 Zodiacs Who Get Upset Over Imaginary Relationship Problems
Sometimes, even when a relationship is going smoothly, it’s hard to accept that you’ve found the right person. Especially when you’ve been through a lot of bad relationships in the past. If you’re worried the relationship is too good to be true, or have a tendency to assume the worst in every situation, you could start seeing problems where none exist. Here are a few signs who get upset over imaginary relationship problems:
Libra, you cannot stand confrontation, which is why you bottle up your more negative feelings. You never want to say something that could spark a fight with your partner because you don’t want to ruin the good mood and cause tension between you. However, the longer a problem goes unaddressed or an important question goes unanswered, the more it will upset you — and if this goes on long enough, it could cause resentment in the relationship. This is why it’s so important to push aside your fears and talk to your partner as soon as a problem arises. You don’t want to end up upset with them, or even breaking up with them, over a misunderstanding. You want to get everything out in the open as soon as possible, even if it means risking an argument. After all, if they’re the right person for you, then they aren’t going to run away. They’ll explain themselves and will smooth things over.
Cancer, you have a bad habit of assuming that the world is out to get you. Whenever someone has a slight change in tone, you will assume that they’re mad at you. It’s the same when they take too long to answer a text or cancel plans with you at the last second or look at you funny. However, not everything is about you. Your person has a life of their own and they could be upset about a thousand other things. Instead of jumping to conclusions and assuming that the relationship is doomed, ask them how they’re feeling. Express to them how much your mind tends to overthink and explain that you need reassurance that everything is okay when they start to act distant. If your partner stays open with you and you stay open with them, then everything will be okay. But if you’re privately spiraling about something they’ve said or done, things could turn sour quickly.
Scorpio, you usually have one foot out the door because you’re waiting for your person to break your heart. Even if they’ve been nothing but nice to you, there’s still a small piece of you that’s worried everything is too good to be true and you’re going to lose it all. But you can’t allow your fears or baggage to ruin a perfectly good relationship. If your partner hasn’t given you reason to stop trusting them, give them the benefit of the doubt. Talk to them when you’re feeling self-conscious or nervous they might leave. The more honest you are about your feelings, the more reassurance they can give you. If you really want this relationship to last, you can’t assume it’s going to blow up eventually. You have to trust your partner is treating you right.