3 Zodiacs Who Can Expect Big Changes In Their Love Life This Month (Thanks To Venus In Pisces)
This Wednesday, January 2, Venus shifts from the sign of Aquarius to Pisces. Venus, planet of love, attraction, cohesion, and values, is exalted here in Pisces. This means that here in Pisces Venus can easily express its energy, making all things Venusian operate seamlessly and positively. This means that when it comes to love and relationships, we may suddenly feel a shift that opens up new possibilities and makes things feel like they’re coming more easily to us.
Let’s take a look at three zodiacs who will especially reap the benefits of Venus’s shift from aloof, calculating Aquarius to dreamy, romantic Pisces, as they welcome some big changes into their own love lives.
Pisces, of course you can expect some big shifts as the planet of love and harmony comes into your own sign. Venus’s shift into your sign brings some much needed romanticism into your life amidst everything you’ve been learning about responsibility and discipline. With Venus coming along you’re being invited to find balance between your dreamy perspective and tendency to romanticize things with the importance of commitment in your relationships. Venus’s time in Pisces has the potential to bring about romance that holds longevity, provided you approach romance with the ability to see things as they are rather than through rose-colored glasses.
Taurus, for you Venus’s shift into Pisces brings about some much needed reprieve from looking at things logistically for the past month. Venus’s entrance into Pisces shifts you into a month of embracing a little bit of romance and fantasy when it comes to your love life, encouraging you to trust the things that are happening that you don’t see right before you. If you’ve been hoping to invite a little love into your life this is the perfect time to let yourself fantasize about what the ideal relationship would look and feel like to you. If you are in a relationship but have been feeling the need to reinvigorate things, this is the perfect time to let yourself get a little creative and escape to a fantasy world for a bit with your partner to make things feel new, fresh, and extra romantic.
Virgo, Venus’s entrance into Pisces means that it’s opposing your own sign. You tend to approach matters of love from a perspective of practicality and functionality. As Venus enters Pisces, this is your opportunity to drop the seriousness a bit and let yourself slip into an idealistic mindset, and prioritize emotional fulfillment. You may just find that Venus’s time in Pisces has the potential to grant a bit of luck and synchronicity that you didn’t see coming when it comes to romance and your love life.