3 Zodiacs Who Aren’t Afraid To Shoot Their Shot
Candice Picard

3 Zodiacs Who Aren’t Afraid To Shoot Their Shot

Some zodiacs are nervous about admitting their feelings because they don’t want to get turned down. They don’t want to get their hearts broken, so they end up breaking their own heart by staying stuck in their bubble. However, other signs are much more honest about their feelings. They won’t hesitate to ask their crush on a date or lean in for the first kiss. Here are a few zodiacs who aren’t afraid to shoot their shot:


Aries aren’t afraid of making the first move because they are fearless. Rejection might sting for a minute (after all, they have a temper), but they cool down pretty quickly. They understand that they aren’t everyone’s cup of tea and that getting turned down doesn’t mean that they’re unworthy of being loved. Since Aries are so spontaneous and unflinchingly honest, it’s harder for them to keep their feelings a secret than it is for them to blurt out the truth. Their thoughts are written all over their face, so most people already realize that they have a crush before the words even come out of their mouth. Regardless, Aries are able to bounce back from rejections. They move on quickly. They don’t dwell on the what could have beens for long because if this person turned them down, they must not have been the right person.


Leos love themselves – in the best way possible. They recognize their strengths and are aware that they’re a catch. They understand that anyone would be lucky to have them. Even though they prefer it when others chase after them, they aren’t afraid to shoot their shot. After all, they assume that they are going to succeed. And if they get turned down for some strange reason, they are going to decide it’s the other person’s loss. Their confidence isn’t going to take much of a hit because they know there are so many other people out there who would love to date them. If someone cannot see their worth, then they don’t want to be with that person anyway. They don’t need to beg for attention. Leos only want someone who is 100% invested in them. They want someone who is completely and utterly obsessed with them.  


This sign doesn’t beat around the bush or sneak around and keep secrets. When they want to date someone, they are going to be straightforward about their feelings, expectations, and intentions. They don’t see the point in sending mixed signals and playing hard to get. After all, the more games that they play, the longer it’ll be until they end up with this person – and they want the relationship to start as soon as possible. They don’t want to waste another second apart. Capricorns are hard workers, so they aren’t afraid to fight for what they want. They aren’t afraid to speak their desires into the universe. They are logical, so they know the first step to getting what they want is recognizing it and admitting it.