3 Zodiacs Who Are Feeling Lost This Holiday Season (+ Advice From A Tarot Reader)
Three Zodiac signs in particular are feeling lost right now – Virgo, Capricorn, and Sagittarius. Our Tarot reader put together tarot readings for these zodiac signs and drew the following cards:
Working For You – something that’s working in your favor or working with you.
Working Against You – something that is working against you.
In Your Past – the not-too-distant past.
In Your Future – the not-too-distant future.
What to Embrace – What aspects of yourself or the world you should embrace, especially to receive the ‘in your future’ outcome.
What to Let Go – What aspects of yourself or the world you should let go of, especially to receive the ‘in the future’ outcome.
Working For You
6 of Wands
You’re getting the recognition you deserve, perhaps in the form of a promotion or an award. It’s a reward for your hard work, progress, and consistent efforts, so give yourself permission to enjoy the spotlight for a bit.
Working Against You
Death, Reversed
There’s the opportunity for a lot of change going on, but you’re feeling a bit overwhelmed by it all. It could be due to sentimental attachments amplified by feelings of nostalgia or because you’re experiencing a lot of anxiety and depression over the reality of what the changes entail.
In Your Past
Knight of Pentacles
You put in a lot of work to merit the recognition you’re receiving right now. Your dependable, reliable investment of time and effort helped create some of the success you’re experiencing now.
In Your Future
7 of Wands
Soon you’re going to need to take a strong stand. It will be time for you to hold your ground and defend the things you believe in. It’s going to require you to be courageous, because it will feel like some big forces are aligned against you.
What to Embrace
The Tower
Things need to change, and while huge upheavals are scary they are also opportunities to create something new on a solid foundation.
What to Let Go
6 of Pentacles, Reversed
If there is an imbalance in the give and take of a relationship, it’s time to get that drama out of your life. Hard conversations can be uncomfortable but ultimately less painful than living with the resentment the current situation could create.
Working For You
6 of Swords
You’re moving on, and leaving the past for a new horizon. You’ve spent a lot of time focused on your mental healing so that when you start over, you won’t be bringing old habits with you.
Working Against You
Knight of Swords, Reversed
With everything starting over again the open world of choices can be daunting and overwhelming. Make a plan that fits your long term goals and current situation, and keep your energy focused on supporting those goals.
In Your Past
The Magician, Reversed
Recently you felt like you had a lot of potential, but just couldn’t make things happen, possibly because something was splitting your focus.
In Your Future
8 of Cups
Sometimes walking away from something is the best thing that we can do to preserve our emotional health. While it’s difficult to walk away from things we’ve been emotionally invested in, it’s more difficult to allow the situation to wear away at the promise of our future.
What to Embrace
King of Pentacles
Embrace your pragmatic side. Focus your effort on building stability through discipline and steady effort. If you find yourself getting hung up on a particular detail, try to remember how it all fits into the bigger picture.
What to Let Go
The Fool, Reversed
Part of being pragmatic is not being naive or reckless, especially not about taking risks. It’s fine to be excited about exploring new options, but pay attention to what the work would really entail.
Working For You
5 of Pentacles, Reversed
You were recently working through feelings of helplessness, but you’re feeling much better about things now. You had felt pretty isolated by your experiences and hardships and are taking the steps to reconnect with your support system.
Working Against You
Knight of Swords
You want to go charging in there and get it all done in a fast burst of energy but it’s not the way to approach things at all, and could come off as both impulsive and unpredictable to others. Take a deep breath and slow things down.
In Your Past
9 of Swords
You’ve been so anxious and overwrought that you weren’t able to sleep. When you were able to sleep, you’ve been trapped in dreams that trigger feelings of helplessness and anxiety.
In Your Future
3 of Swords
There’s a lot of heartbreak and hard feelings in your future. There are a lot of swords in this reading which emphasizes how important your mind set is.
What to Embrace
Page of Wands
It’s hard to be enthusiastic and ambitious when it feels like everything is falling apart, but at your core burns the passionate fire of creativity and curiosity. Let your own inner fire light your way.
What to Let Go
7 of Wands, Reversed
It’s hard not to get frustrated and overwhelmed and angry about a difficult situation, especially when our mind isn’t on the game and is focused on our very real pain. You are worth your own self-advocacy. Stand your ground and defend your convictions.