Antoni Shkraba

3 Zodiacs Who Are Always Pursuing A Creative Project

For some people, a life free from creativity is not a life worth living. Helping people gain the knowledge, wisdom, and self-certainty to navigate everyday life, it’s impossible to overestimate the benefit creative interests have for the average person. Whether you gravitate towards painting, poetry, literature, or music, pursuing your creative interests can improve your life in ways we can’t even fathom. 

While some people approach their creative hobbies sporadically, others always seem to be in pursuit of a new artistic endeavor, feverishly working on their next sketch, their next novel, or their next song with awe-inspiring levels of commitment


You see the world in a vastly different way than most other people, maintaining an outlook on life that literally no one else shares. Rather than finding yourself alienated because of this unique worldview, you take significant pride in it, delighting in your status as a creative free-thinker. Drawing on your distinct perspective of the universe, you approach your creative projects as a way to share your point of view with others, allowing them to see their surroundings in a startling new way (I.E., your way).


You have the miraculous gift to find beauty in any situation, no matter how tenuous or disastrous said situation might be. While others are ducking for cover in the middle of a rainstorm, you can’t help but stand out in the open, admiring the gray color of the sky and the sensation of the rain washing over you. To you, life is filled with harmonious moments like this that are meant to be documented, something you attempt to accomplish in your artistic projects. Whether writing a poem about a looming storm or painting a deserted street in the middle of winter, you want to encourage everyone to enjoy the peace and tranquility of life, no matter how mundane or ordinary they might seem at first glance.


When people think of the most creative person in their lives, there’s a decent chance they instinctively think of you. As someone whose head is always off in the clouds, you can’t help but feel a deep attachment to your imagination, valuing it above all other characteristics you hold near and dear. Tapping into the ethereal realm through any one of your creative endeavors, when you sit down to write a story or sketch a picture, it’s like you’re entering an entirely new world–one that’s bold, exciting, and never restricted to the limits of reality.