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3 Zodiacs Determined To Set Better Boundaries In 2024


You typically aren’t afraid to set and enforce strong boundaries—that is, unless it comes to the people you hold dearest to your heart. This year, however, you’ve gotten tired of those closest to you exploiting your generosity. You’re someone whose biggest way of expressing love is through acts of service. Virgo, you’re always there to lend a helping hand, or to even figure out the life of others for them and solve their problems. For this reason, everyone constantly turns to you in times of crisis. This past year, you’ve found yourself worn thin not just by your responsibilities but by constantly overextending yourself to other people. You’ve also grown tired of being put into situations where it feels like it’s all give and no take—like your heart is being taken advantage of. In 2024, you feel prepared to prioritize yourself and your mental health. You no longer will sacrifice your well-being for the sake of fixing other people. 


Libra, in 2024 you’re determined to set better boundaries in every friendship and relationship, but primarily in romance. You’re no longer allowing your boundaries to be crossed in the sake of keeping harmony with a significant other. You’ve made the promise to yourself to recognize the signs of a codependent relationship and to not let yourself fall into toxic patterns anymore in the name of finding love. This year you’ve left behind someone whom you found yourself bending for at every turn, and even sacrificing your values for. You’re demanding accountability from the next person you let into your heart. If they don’t follow through with their words in their actions, then you don’t want it. You’re done rationalizing away your mistreatment and looking at love through rose-colored glasses. You’re done biting your tongue in order to keep the peace. In 2024, you know your worth.


Capricorn, you’re swallowing your feelings and shoving them down so deep into places they can’t be reached. You know that you’re not “too much” for expecting reciprocity from those you care about. You’re done with one-sided friendships and wasting your energy on people who can’t be found when you need them the most. If someone is hurting you, you’re not keeping quiet anymore—and you’re not sticking around, as much as it may hurt. You’re ready to have tough conversations with people and express your expectations, as well as set your boundaries. You can no longer let others control your emotions because you’ve learned that any kind of relationship—be it romantic or platonic—should be enjoyed more than your time “working on it.” In 2024, you’re setting boundaries with yourself and learning how to say when “enough is enough.”