3 Zodiac Struggling With Online Dating
Navigating the intricacies of dating presents all kinds of unique challenges, from successfully landing a first date to effectively communicating with your potential romantic partner. Fortunately, in the age of the Internet, dating has only grown easier through apps like Bumble, Tinder, or Hinge, allowing people to find their prospective romantic matches that much faster. As useful as dating apps can be for some people, others have difficulty when it comes to figuring out the proper way to use these dating services, preferring the rapport that comes with face-to-face interactions.
You’re not exactly comfortable with sitting around and waiting for something to happen, Aries, preferring instead to seize the initiative and take command of your own destiny. Because of your bold temperament and penchant for taking risks, you’re not necessarily an ideal fit for the slower-paced presentation of a traditional dating app. Anxiously tapping your foot as you wait for your partner to respond, you’d more readily envision yourself out at a club or bar meeting people, eschewing the virtual back-and-forths that come with most Bumble or Tinder conversations.
For you, Scorpio, there’s nothing worse than the idea of cycling through the same conversations over and over again. To you, few sentences are as boring as “How are you?” or “What do you do for a living?”, causing you to roll your eyes in exasperation every time you get a DM posing those same questions. While you’re comfortable with in-person communication, you’re also content with sitting back in silence as your partner goes on and on about their life–something that doesn’t happen very often with most dating app conversations.
You love engaging in conversations, Aquarius, delighting at the chance to explore topics you feel passionately about. It doesn’t matter how niche or specific the talking points might be–for you, the more unique the conversation, the deeper a connection you feel to the person you’re speaking with. Because of this, you tend to come off a bit strong in your initial dating app meetings, skipping over the traditional getting-to-know-you chit chat in favor of more dramatic icebreakers.