Ron Lach

3 Zodiac Signs With Daydreamer Hearts

Here are three zodiac signs with daydreamer hearts.

1. Pisces

Deeply imaginative, Pisces always has their head in the clouds. Pisces often gets lost in their mind, swimming through both the possible and the fantastical, rarely separating the two. Because according to Pisces, anything can happen, no matter how magical it may seem.

Some people may interpret Pisces visions as idealistic and detached from reality, and this might be true at times. But Pisces’ idealism is merely a side effect of having a daydreamer heart, one that loves openly and hopefully. There are worst ways to be.

2. Cancer

Despite being ruled by the moon, Cancer has a daydreamer heart. This emotional water sign’s daydreaming heart manifests in the form of sentimentality and nostalgia. When you catch Cancer zoning out, assume that they are thinking about a happy memory shared with their loved ones.

Cancer doesn’t just live in the past, however. Cancer’s daydreaming heart flutters at thoughts of wonderful future events, too.

3. Sagittarius

Endlessly optimistic, Sagittarius never assumes the worst. No matter how bleak something may appear to other people, Sagittarius wonders what the best possible outcome could be instead.

Sagittarius’ daydreamer heart is what makes this fire sign stay positive, even in the face of adversity. When something is going wrong, Sagittarius will contemplate solutions based on hope, not fear.