3 Zodiac Signs Who Secretly Judge Their Best Friends
It’s natural to move through everyday life by comparing yourself to those around you. Evaluating your own personal progress by juxtaposing it with the lives of your closest friends and loved ones, comparing oneself to others can have some beneficial effects, encouraging us to work harder and aim higher when it comes to our careers, relationships, or personal growth as individuals. Yet even then, there’s a difference between comparing yourself to others and smugly judging them from afar – an unfortunate practice some astrological signs carry out behind their friends and family’s backs.
A tireless workhorse routinely going the extra mile to improve a situation, a Virgo’s self-confident attitude is a direct result of their stringent work ethic. As someone who refuses to accept anything less than the best, they’re used to demanding greatness from both themselves and those they surround themselves with. Through this hopelessly perfectionistic attitude, they’ll sometimes look at their friends with intense scrutiny, immediately picking up on their shortcomings. While most people might take offense by Virgo’s blunt observations, in Virgo’s mind, the only way to fix something is by highlighting areas that need improvement, whether it’s a poor haircut, a lackluster wardrobe, or questionable eating habits that make Homer Simpson seem health-conscious by comparison.
Scorpios are very concerned with control, focusing on the shifting power dynamics between themselves and their closest friends. Asking numerous questions but answering very few in return, they’ll want to know everything about you while revealing as little about themselves as possible. Though they’re secretly afraid of opening up and getting judged too harshly, they have no problem judging others, hiding behind an inscrutable expression as their mind furiously pours over every word spoken to them. They’ll never breathe a word of your most intimate secrets to anyone, but you’d better believe they have their own highly opinionated thoughts on everything you tell them – although they seldom let slip their true thoughts or feelings on the matter.
An Aquarius’s grit and determination is truly inspirational, propelling them to the forefront of any group project they partake in. As someone who’s never afraid to roll up their sleeves and work up a sweat, they’re used to judging others preemptively when they fail to demonstrate the same hard-working attitude as an Aquarius. If life were a competition, they’d like to think of themselves as locked securely in first place, allowing them to glance back with self-righteous amusement at the other poor souls lagging far behind in the distance.