3 Zodiac Signs Who Prefer To Take It Slow In A Relationship
It takes many different things to make a relationship work, including time, understanding, and a mutual sense of trust from both parties involved. Of course, while every relationship is different, every romantic entanglement requires all three of these characteristics to survive and thrive well into the future. Still, it’s also clear that some signs seem to feel far more comfortable opting for a slower approach to their prospective relationships. Taking the time to build a friendship with their partners first and foremost, these signs move at their own distinct speed, establishing a strong connection to their significant others before growing more serious in their relationships.
Taureans very much enjoy the life they’ve made for themselves, from the rigid schedule they keep to the well-maintained living space they ceaselessly care for. As a result, they’re very hesitant about leaping into a romance they fear might disrupt their lifestyle, something they feel might be avoided through a slow-moving relationship. To them, potential romances should be as seamless as wading into a warm pool, allowing them to better adjust their lifestyle to fit in with the wants and needs of their partner.
A Virgo’s mind is always calculating how to improve a certain situation, even if it’s something as mundane as fixing a kitchen cabinet that creaks whenever it’s opened. With that in mind, Virgos are always wondering whether a potential relationship is worthy of their attention and effort. You might be laughing and having a great time with them, but you’d better believe that beneath their charming smile, Virgos are secretly assessing every little quirk and characteristic you display. Yet even then, their seemingly harsh judgments are born out of the best intentions, as well as a desire to not waste either person’s time on a romance they feel is doomed to failure.
Compared to their fellow earth signs in Taurus and Virgo, a Capricorn typically appears more willing to engage in a meaningful romantic relationship. In spite of their romantic worldview, however, they also harbor a deep fear of getting hurt, hence why they’re so hesitant about rushing into anything too serious. In their eyes, they’d rather take the time to construct a strong foundation to their relationship, establishing trust, support, and emotional understanding. Only then will they feel comfortable enough to open up to their partner, revealing their intricate thoughts and feelings without the risk of driving their significant other away.