3 Zodiac Signs Who Chase Money Over True Joy
It’s easy to mistake the rewards that come from monetary wealth with the satisfaction of a peaceful personal life. After all, it’s not exactly difficult to enjoy life when you can afford an expensive vacation abroad, extravagant new gadgets, or the very best furniture for your living room. While we certainly advocate for enjoying the fruits of your labor and occasionally spending that well-earned paycheck, certain signs tend to confuse personal fulfillment with their personal finances, using the two interchangeably in their day-to-day lives.
Quite possibly the most materialistic sign of the zodiac, you put significant value on your living space, doing everything in your power to improve your surroundings. Whether that means buying an ultra soft mattress for your bedroom or a luxury popcorn maker for family movie nights, you’re always willing to spend more if it means ensuring your comfort. Of course, just because you have the finest things lining your house doesn’t necessarily mean you’re entirely satisfied, with some of the most exciting things in life happening right outside your absurdly expensive front door.
If you had a personal mantra when it comes to your finances, it’s the simple but effective, “Well, you can’t take it with you.” Whipping out your numerous credit cards whenever you head to the cash register, for you, a trip to the mall has the potential to spiral into a shopping spree of Legally Blonde proportions. Insisting on only name-brand products in lieu of more generic labels, your main goal is to impress those around you when it comes to your costly purchases. Unfortunately, a flamboyant wardrobe and bold fashion sense doesn’t make up for a strong character – something that comes only through experience and the individual strengths of your personality.
To you, there’s no such thing as earning too much money, with every cent added to your bank account putting you one step closer to your financial goals. To some, that might mean an early retirement or a lavish vacation in Europe. For others, it could take the form of a luxury car or a dinner out to a five-star restaurant. You put in the effort to earn that money – why not spend it on the finer things in life to properly enjoy it? The only problem, Capricorn, is that the one thing money can’t buy you is time, with all those extra hours spent at the office robbing you of a chance to pursue your own interests, hobbies, and budding romantic relationships.