3 Zodiac Signs Dealing With High Anxiety + Advice From A Tarot Reader
Aquarius, Leo, and Gemini are dealing with a tremendous amount of anxiety right now, and our tarot reader did a special tarot spread for them.
The cards drawn describe:
- The Root of Your Anxiety – What situation or circumstance is causing your anxiety?
- Something That You Can Do Immediately – What Is something you can do to immediately relieve some of your anxiety?
- What You Can’t Control- Facets of the situation that are out of your hands.
- What You Can Control – Facets of the situation you may be able to control
The Root of Your Anxiety – Knight of Swords, Reversed
There’s a lot of anxiety over dashing into a situation when you weren’t fully aware of all of its nuances and it’s made you feel rather foolish and quite vulnerable. The surprises you encountered left you scrambling to refocus your energy.
Something That You Can Do Immediately – 7 of Wands
Take some time to ground yourself, and protect yourself from any risks. Create a way that you can express yourself and share your ideas while still maintaining boundaries. Establishing a sense of security and safety is a fast path toward alleviating some of the more immediate anxiety you’re experiencing. Once you have a safe place to operate from, you’ll give yourself the breathing room you need to think about your next steps.
What You Can’t Control – The Star, Reversed
Unfulfilled hopes and disappointment are part of life, and you can’t control whether or not they happen. Negative experiences around dashed hopes can obscure your vision, not just of your goals but also of the truth of yourself.
What You Can Control – The Hanged Man
There are times when you have to surrender and let go, but you can still control your vision and perception of the situation. Embrace seeing the situation differently. Allow yourself the courage to upend your prior perspective and seek different ones.
The Root of Your Anxiety – The Hanged Man, Reversed
You are feeling far too vulnerable to do the work that you know needs to be done. Your insecurities and fears are stealing your attention and energy, and getting in the way of you being able to change your perspective.
Something That You Can Do Immediately – The Tower
A change of perspective is badly needed, and while it is a drastic step, it’s time to undertake the work of dismantling prior systems of thought that have neglected to nurture the self that you are working so hard to become. This isn’t to minimize the work to be done – it will be revolutionary, and its impacts will be felt for quite some time. In order to alleviate some of your anxiety, you need to eliminate anything that is unhealthy and oppressive.
What You Can’t Control – 3 of Cups, Reversed
While your community of friends is vital to your happiness and success, you can’t control how they see a situation. If you’re feeling like you’re the ‘odd man out’ remember that miscommunications happen.
What You Can Control – Knight of Pentacles
You can use your time and resources to start planting seeds for your future success. It’s a good time to invest in infrastructure and support systems that will help you build the future you’re hoping to create.
The Root of Your Anxiety – The Empress, Reversed
You’re having a difficult time with the idea of mothers and mothering. Whether it’s from feeling smothered by your own mother, a lack of a positive female role model, or you are troubled by societal expectations when it comes to mothers, you’re finding that relationship to be at the center of a lot of your anxiety.
Something That You Can Do Immediately – The Magician
Creation isn’t just the realm of mothers – we are able to manifest things into this reality and create the world that we wish to see. Use some of your creative energy to reconnect with that part of yourself, without being hung up on convention.
What You Can’t Control – 8 of Cups, Reversed
You can’t control when opportunities present themselves, you can only control how ready you are to receive them. Instead of trying to force things into happening, let go and see what will present itself to you.
What You Can Control – 4 of Pentacles
In a time of abundance, you can still be careful with your resources. Prioritize saving for what you’re going to need in the future, and make decisions with the stability that you crave in mind. Embrace your worth and value, and practice gratitude.