3 Single Zodiacs Who Want Love Right Now (But Won’t Admit It)
These three single zodiacs want love right now (but refuse to admit it).
1. Capricorn
Ambitious Capricorn claims they don’t have the time for a relationship. And on the surface, this is easy enough to believe. After all, Capricorn has a dozen personal development projects going on at any given time. Not to mention, Capricorn is constantly chasing the next big promotion at work or taking care of their family and friends. But the truth of the matter is that Capricorn does want to fall in love. They want a loyal, loving partnership, and they want to find that person right now. But they just don’t think it seems practical to look for love at the moment, so they stay quiet.
2. Scorpio
Secretive Scorpio won’t tell you want they want for lunch, let alone that they want true and everlasting love. That is far too vulnerable of a confession for this water sign to reveal. After all, Scorpio’s biggest priority is self-protection. This, coupled with Scorpio’s fear of betrayal, means that Scorpio won’t say that they want a relationship until they are entirely, 100 percent sure it is safe to do so.
3. Aries
Aries is one of the most independent signs of the entire zodiac. This headstrong cardinal fire sign likes to do things their way, on their own. That said, Aries does want love. Aries is just afraid to admit it because they’re afraid of losing their freedom. It is a crucial component of Aries’ identity which is why Aries is so hesitant about romance right now.