3 Overly Talkative Zodiacs Who Never Respond To Texts
It’s impossible to overstate the importance of strong communication skills. The fundamental pillar of our personal and professional relationships, being able to hold your own in a conversation is a skill that’s guaranteed to get you far in life. Whether it’s complimenting your manager in the office or flirting with a potential partner at a bar or dance club, interpersonal communication makes up almost every facet of our daily existence, encouraging us to be more talkative and outgoing with each new person we meet. While some signs seem to thrive when it comes to these face-to-face encounters, those same people have difficulty maintaining conversations over texts, sometimes going hours – perhaps even days – without looking at their messages.
As one of the most outgoing signs of the zodiac, you’re never one to back down to a face-to-face conversation. Forever hoping to expand your horizons, you love and crave in-person interactions, allowing you to gain additional insight into people’s differing worldviews and contrasting outlooks on life. As enthusiastic as you are with verbal communication, your actual texting abilities leave much to be desired. Rather than this being indicative of your conversational skills, your underwhelming texts mainly stem from your need for instantaneous reactions, with most Aries lacking the attention span for back-and-forth messaging.
Natural busybodies by every definition of the word, for you, there’s always something to do when it comes to sprucing up your immediate surroundings. Whether it’s diligently cleaning up the mess on your counter or meticulously alphabetizing your overstuffed bookcase, your energy and enthusiasm for new projects knows no bounds. As a result of your tireless work ethic, you’re not one to waste time on frivolous activities like texting, because let’s face it: if someone really wanted to get in touch with you, they’d either call or drive over to see you in person.
You suffer from an acute case of tunnel vision, Aquarius, zeroing your attention in on any activity that currently holds your interest. While you’re always comfortable discussing topics often considered too difficult or uncomfortable for most, you stretch yourself a bit too thin when it comes to your ongoing hobbies and interests. In person, you can spend hours talking about the current states of contemporary politics or espousing your thoughts about the potential for life after death. When it comes to texting, however, you’re incredibly slow to respond – not because you find the conversation boring, but because your attention is being focused elsewhere at any given moment.